Computing Reviews

Self-aware computing systems :an engineering approach
Lewis P., Platzner M., Rinner B., Tørresen J., Yao X., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2016. 324 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 09/18/17

Self-aware computing systems are systems that are sensitive to their operating environments and adapt their actions and reactions interactively with that environment, as per ways in which the environment in turn reacts to them.

As its name reveals, this book describes Self-aware computing systems. The subtitle calls the book “an engineering approach.” Clearly, this is both a fascinating subject and a matter of great concern in engineering as well as the academic community. I would venture to say that this issue is one of the foremost issues in the near future of major computing systems. Anyone wishing to understand the discipline will do well to begin with this book. However, I unfortunately must emphasize that this book may be fine to begin with, but it drops off short of real coverage of the issues and even shorter of the applications currently being worked.

The book is divided into an introductory chapter and four parts. The introduction is well done. Part 1 begins with an attempt to map psychology to computer and software engineering for this subject. I must admit that I found it occasionally felt rather forced, as if the editors asked specifically for something and then such a “thing” needed to be delivered, even if the authors’ guts did not quite feel that this was the best way to go.

Part 2 discusses patterns and techniques, while Part 3 discusses nodes and networks. I would venture to state that these are the heart of the concept of self-aware systems. I commend and recommend chapter 5, “Design Patterns and Primitives,” which is not “just” the heart of the book, but appears to me to be particularly well planned and executed.

Part 4 discusses “Applications and Case Studies.” This is where the book really falls down; it falls flat, short of expectations. The applications the authors and editors chose are perhaps some of the most trivial of self-aware applications possible. Perhaps this is not illegitimate in a book that is purely academic (not my style, but perhaps). However, this is clearly not legitimate in a book subtitled “an engineering approach.” I most definitely expected real-world applications, such as drone swarms, remote maintenance and risk cascades mitigation, financial market real-time risk analysis, or emergency actions. They chose music.

In terms of the publisher, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised. Many of the illustrations are in color, and they are not few. This adds a texture that I find bold and enhancing. So, the publisher has made an admirable effort for the book to be pleasant to the eye, as well, and that is to be commended. There is an index, but it is quite minimal–all of two pages for a highly technical book of over 350 pages. There is a general bibliography, over 400 entries long. Definitely a good job there.

I recommend this book, albeit with the reservation discussed. It is relatively well written and readable. All in all, I think it is a useful addition to a professional library, and I shall keep it around until a better one inevitably replaces it.

Reviewer:  Mordechai Ben-Menachem Review #: CR145544 (1711-0711)

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