Computing Reviews

Introduction to the new statistics :estimation, open science, and beyond
Cumming G., Calin-Jageman R., Routledge,New York, NY,2016. 594 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 08/31/17

Statistics has many varied uses in society. This introductory statistics book would be of interest to undergraduate statistics students, university lecturers, and researchers. The book examines the use of statistics with regard to developing research questions, sampling, types of measurement, central tendency, confidence intervals, significance testing, assumptions of statistical tests, meta-analysis, correlations, regression, chi-square analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

This book presents material that examines the use of statistics in a variety of settings, such as healthcare and education. Given its level of conceptualization, this book would generally be suitable for readers with a background in mathematics and statistics at at least a high school level. Good use is made of diagrams, exercises, and quizzes to support the ease of understanding of the materials presented.

The book’s main purpose is as a reference work for undergraduate statistics students, university lecturers, and researchers.

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Reviewer:  Mark Taylor Review #: CR145519 (1711-0707)

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