Computing Reviews

Human and robot hands :sensorimotor synergies to bridge the gap between neuroscience and robotics
Bianchi M., Moscatelli A., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2016. 283 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 03/08/17

Neuroscience deals with the controlling of senses in humans and their function in the day-to-day work of the human body. In parallel, the robotics field is developing artificial senses or their capabilities in robots. This book discusses human and robot hands.

The book comprises 15 research papers in the form of chapters, distributed over two parts: “Neuroscience” (six chapters) and “Robotics, Models and Sensing Tools” (eight chapters). The first part discusses dexterous manipulation, unconstrained grasping, cortical representation of postural synergies, neurophysiology, adaptive control in biology and robotics, and sensorimotor synergies. The second part covers soft to adaptive synergies, a demonstration approach, tele-impedance control, muscle synergies, the SynGrasp MATLAB toolbox, synergistically underactuated robotic hands, object exploration, and hand pose reconstruction.

Chapter 4 revisits “the organization of the brain network that controls hand posture in humans and presents preliminary results of a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on the encoding of synergies at a cortical level to control hand posture in humans.” Further, chapter 6 emphasizes neuronal operational amplifiers explaining animal behaviors and their biological plausibility, application, and performance in adaptive control. Chapter 11 describes the stability and reliability of natural prosthetic control using incremental machine learning.

Chapter 12 illustrates the use of the SynGrasp MATLAB toolbox in mapping synergies onto the robotic hands representing similar actions as humans, which makes the book worth reading. Chapter 15 discusses pose-sensing devices and leaves the possibility open for “further investigations on the biology of human hand receptors.”

This book is an interesting read for researchers, doctoral students, and professionals working in the area of neuroscience and robotics.

Reviewer:  Lalit Saxena Review #: CR145106 (1705-0261)

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