Computing Reviews

Using numeric simulation in an online e-learning environment to teach functional physiological contexts
Christ A., Thews O. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine127(C):15-23,2016.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 06/15/16

Nonlinear differential equations are valuable for modeling the physiological effects of hormones on the blood glucose level. However, it is not easy to use numerical mathematical structures to dynamically illuminate the intricate likely activities in biological procedures, such as the probable basis of actions of neural and muscle cells. How should simulation prototypes of convoluted biological processes be designed and implemented for an effective e-learning medical education?

Outlining the features of the sprightly delivery systems for medical education, Christ and Thews show how useful mathematical models of complex physiological processes can be incorporated into web-based systems. The paper uniquely contributes ideas to: (1) the structural models of glucose, insulin distribution, and their relationships; and (2) a web-based system that allows students to mathematically explore the impacts of the characteristics of patients such as gender, age, and body weight on the various amounts of the quantities of meals, and consequently the health habit outcomes of patients.

Worldwide, we need more competent medical saviors. The authors clearly provide great insights into how future medical students should be effectively trained to better understand the functional and quantitative relationships of various complex biological mechanisms. I strongly encourage all medical professionals to read this paper and voice their opinions on how we should continue to train future medical professionals based on emerging mathematical ideas and new and rapidly changing technologies.

Reviewer:  Amos Olagunju Review #: CR144501 (1609-0698)

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