Computing Reviews

Establishing requirements for end-user service composition tools
Ridge A., O’Neill E. Requirements Engineering20(4):435-463,2015.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 03/02/16

This paper attracted my attention because it gives a glimpse of the future of software development.

The authors state that the paper has two main contributions: the creation of a comprehensive set of 139 requirements for end-user service composition (EUSC) tools, and a systematic method for generating the requirements. The authors, however, make another contribution.

This well-written paper begins with a review of related work, including EUSC tool life cycle models, prior EUSC tool requirements, and requirements processes. It provides a detailed application of an EUSC requirements analysis method based on scenarios, and presents examples of resulting derived requirements. (However, how the requirements were generated from directed content analysis codes is not explained.) The paper continues with an illuminating evaluation of the completeness, consistency, correctness, and validity of the requirements, and concludes with a discussion of future work, including the need to focus on types of requirements not covered in the results and on immature requirements.

Software development technology has progressed along a product-centric path from a bottom-up creation of code components, to an integration of class and library code and design components, to an interfacing of heterogeneous network components, to framework composition of those components. Taking a process-centric focus on user service tool requirements, the authors complement that technology and product perspective.

Thus, in addition to requirements and software engineers, the paper is of interest to software architects, tool builders, and technology managers, giving us a glimpse of future user software development.

Reviewer:  J. M. Perry Review #: CR144201 (1605-0318)

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