Computing Reviews

Cognitive wireless networks
Feng Z., Zhang Q., Zhang P., Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated,New York, NY,2015. 140 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 11/13/15

Wireless networks need to use cognitive techniques in order to fulfill the demands of spectrum usage, network heterogeneity, and changing wireless environments; this motivated the development of cognitive wireless networks (CWNs). CWNs are intended to be aware of, manage, and provide information about network intelligence and spectrum flexibility, and dynamically reconfigure networks. This book discusses how time-division long-term evolution (TD-LTE)-based CWNs can solve the above challenges.

The book consists of eight chapters. The first two chapters introduce the origins of the topic and present theoretical aspects and features of CWNs. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss novel architecture in CWNs and the flow of delivery of awareness about cognitive information. The next two chapters describe the intelligent ability of CWNs in resource management and the CWN testbed in a TD-LTE cellular system. Chapter 7 determines the standard progress of cognitive radio technology, and chapter 8 concludes the book and remarks on the future.

The theoretical model of the CWN architecture consists of seven modules. The cognition flow on the CWN architecture originates from four domains: diversity, dynamics, heterogeneity, and hetero-sink. The authors claim that the TD-LTE-based CWN is the “first prototype with advanced spectrum sensing and spectrum handover technologies with performance indicators.”

The authors highlight the unsolved problems of dynamic utilization of radio resources in different time and geo-location domains. They further suggest using intelligent abilities in wireless networks to improve and adapt to radio resource management and changing service demands, making this book an interesting read.

Reviewer:  Lalit Saxena Review #: CR143956 (1601-0001)

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