Computing Reviews

Software defined networks :a comprehensive approach
Goransson P., Black C., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.,San Francisco, CA,2014. 352 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 03/23/15

I have recently become interested in software-defined networks (SDNs), largely due to my research in cloud computing and visualization. Although I would not say it is a natural evolution of the research, it is one of those areas that is going to become big--a major player in future industry and networking research areas. Therefore, I was looking for a suitable book that could give me the right sort of introduction to SDNs and direction on where to begin. This book does just that.

Starting with a basic introduction to traditional packet switching and the next areas of technological advancements, the book goes into details on why to use SDNs, cost issues, case studies, and the benefactors of SDNs. All in all, the book equipped me well with SDN knowledge.

The book also has an extensive discussion on the OpenFlow protocol, with examples and limitations on how it can be applied to define networks. Discussing a number of applications through case studies of simple Java applications, Cisco controllers, and HP controllers, as well as how traffic can be managed within a small network, the book is a very interesting read.

However, if I had to choose one, “SDN Open Source” is probably the chapter to read for all open-source promoters and the community that is constantly promoting this ideology. Obviously, this would not be ideal for business, but it also lays down future cases for where SDN is headed and the potential applications it may present.

If you want to understand SDNs or just need a good, refreshing book to read, please pick this one up.

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Reviewer:  Mariam Kiran Review #: CR143258 (1506-0425)

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