Computing Reviews

Retrofitting concurrency for Android applications through refactoring
Lin Y., Radoi C., Dig D.  FSE 2014 (Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, Hong Kong, China, Nov 16-21, 2014)341-352,2014.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 01/23/15

The paper presents an automated refactoring tool that enables developers to extract long-running operations into a separate background task, instead of the main user interface (UI) thread. This approach reduces the burden on the programmer to do such a transformation manually. Additionally, they also have another tool that checks for the correctness of the transformation by performing an analysis to check for race conditions.

The paper is well written with a strong motivation, backed up by in-depth analysis of several code bases. The examples provided are very informative and useful for developers. The experiments are elaborate and corroborate the authors’ claims.

However, the paper lacks novelty in advancing the techniques--all of the techniques used in the paper are known and established in concurrent programming to have lots of limitations. The paper does not attempt to solve any such limitations. Instead, it just looks at time-tested techniques applied to a different setting (that is, embedded programming).

Reviewer:  Ganesh Bikshandi Review #: CR143107 (1505-0406)

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