Computing Reviews

Knowledge-based driver assistance systems :traffic situation description and situation feature relevance
Huelsen M., Springer Vieweg,Wiesbaden, Germany,2014. 176 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 01/07/15

Ontological representation of information is usually best suited for developing knowledge bases. These knowledge bases are frequently used to develop expert systems.

This book is basically a student’s thesis converted into an authored book. The book describes the use of knowledge bases for driver assistance systems (DASs). The author begins by describing the need for having DASs. This part of the book is written quite well; the author chose to start the description on a nontechnical topic that is easily understandable for all readers, and then advance the discussion to more technical topics.

This book has good figures associated with the topics discussed in it. Although Figure 38 has a few typographical errors, the rest of the figures are very descriptive and help the reader comprehend the topics discussed. There are two important technical topics associated with DASs that are described well in this book: reasoning and ranking. It is well understood that an expert system makes good use of reasoning for its functioning. The implementation of reasoning with regard to DASs also involves the effective use of ranking. Overall, this is a small but well-written book that has a good description of the topics contained in it. I would encourage the author to further progress his research in this area and come up with a more comprehensive book on this topic.

Reviewer:  Varadraj Gurupur Review #: CR143055 (1504-0254)

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