Computing Reviews

Semantic-based QoS management in cloud systems:current status and future challenges
Kourtesis D., Alvarez-Rodríguez J., Paraskakis I. Future Generation Computer Systems32307-323,2014.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 10/27/14

This paper’s title suggests a discussion on research work in formulating semantic-based quality of service (QoS) management in the context of cloud systems. The paper talks about various aspects of cloud computing, QoS, modeling semantics, and even big data and real-time data streaming, but does not integrate these fragments with the theme indicated in the title.

Section 1 briefly introduces the various topics and is more or less in order. Section 2, “Background,” starts with an overview of QoS and then moves on to semantic technologies, touching on the semantic web, SPARQL, and the resource description framework (RDF). The discussion then moves to big data. Section 3, “Semantic-based QoS Management in Cloud Systems,” starts with various ontology-based frameworks. Section 4, “Techniques for Datastream Processing,” covers distributed processing, R, and query handling. Section 5 is on the real-time processing of datastreams. Section 6 provides a discussion in a question-and-answer format. How datastream processing, big data, and SPARQL connect to the overall theme of the paper is not clear.

On the whole, this is a nice read if you have no expectations and are generally interested in the semantic web and the cloud. The discussion is scattered on various topics, and no attempt is made to connect them. The analysis of the current status is also very weak. The references covered are not integrated into the overall topic, and mostly provide just a superficial scan. There are several English problems, too, perhaps due to poor translation.

Reviewer:  M Sasikumar Review #: CR142860 (1501-0057)

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