Computing Reviews

Simulations, serious games and their applications
Cai Y., Goei S., Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated,New York, NY,2013. 279 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 08/07/14

This book is a collection of papers that represent the state of the art in the latest developments in simulation and serious game technology. The papers are mostly from the Asian-European Workshop on Simulations and Serious Games, which was held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, on May 9, 2012.

The book covers various topics, including collision detection and collision avoidance, ink diffusion simulation for Chinese calligraphy using fluid dynamics simulation, and cloth simulation for virtual try-on using a simulated 3D body from a template model. Some chapters discuss the simulation of problems that have straightforward applications in practical situations, for example, the trajectory planning for long vehicle turning or marine traffic conflict prediction through dedicated algorithms. The use of virtual worlds and serious gaming in education is also investigated in a study that explored educational initiatives in the virtual world Second Life.

Not only are specific simulation experiences treated in the book, but so are platforms for game design and development such as GF Engine, a tool that integrates and manages open-source components through abstraction and encapsulation techniques, and GameTools, a set of multiplatform, multigame engine libraries designed to simplify the use of computer graphics algorithms. Most of the papers contain interesting references, direct or indirect, to applications in educational programs. An example of a serious game, Pink Dolphins, is also analyzed to describe virtual reality (VR) technology for special needs education applications, while the comparison between transfer of training using a conventional method versus a standalone educational serious game is investigated in detail through a specific case study of the on-the-job training of a cashier employee.

The target audience of this book should have at least a basic understanding of the topic; therefore, I agree with the editors, who recommend it for scientists, engineers, and practitioners involved in the field of serious games and simulation.

Reviewer:  Diego Merani Review #: CR142598 (1501-0049)

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