Computing Reviews

Resilience is more than availability
Bishop M., Carvalho M., Ford R., Mayron L.  NSPW 2011 (Proceedings of the 2011 New Security Paradigms Workshop, Marin County, CA, Sep 12-15, 2011)95-104,2011.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 03/15/12

The definition of terms designed to focus on their technical meaning and thereby clarify specification is the goal of this paper. Three terms--resilient, robust, and survivable--are its focus. It is too bad that the authors miss their mark and do not rely on the term “trustworthy,” which includes the need for a software system to be available, secure, and safe. I wonder why they didn’t check the literature for these terms.

The last thing software engineering needs is another paper exploring technical terms qualitatively. Unless we can compute a quantitative metric for each design term that characterizes a system, we cannot access its architecture.

The paper is well written, but not particularly useful.

Reviewer:  Larry Bernstein Review #: CR139976 (1208-0825)

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