Computing Reviews

Guide to teaching computer science :an activity-based approach
Hazzan O., Lapidot T., Ragonis N., Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated,New York, NY,2011. 285 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 09/22/11

This book is directed at those who teach computer science (CS) in high schools or undergraduate classrooms. An essential assumption is that the reader has a command of the subject matter. The authors are all from Israel, and together represent three decades of experience.

The book contains 15 chapters, one for each week of a single semester. The first chapter is introductory, and is written for the instructor of the methods of teaching CS (MTCS) course. The methodology for the course begins with the second chapter. Chapter 2, “Active Learning and the Active-Learning-Based Teaching Model,” presents an approach for implementation. The authors apply the model throughout the book.

Chapter 3, “Overview of the Discipline of Computer Science,” addresses topics such as defining CS, the history of CS, computer scientists, social issues of CS, programming paradigms, and CS soft ideas. Chapter 4, “Research in Computer Science Education,” provides background on teaching and learning CS. Chapter 5, “Problem Solving Strategies,” deals with pedagogical tools that CS teachers need to help students acquire necessary problem-solving skills. Some of these skills are successive refinement, the use of algorithmic patterns, and reflective processes

Chapter 6, “Learners’ Alternative Conceptions,” is designed to help the novice teacher understand the ways students think and make mistakes. Chapter 7, “Teaching Methods in Computer Science Education,” allows novices to discuss advantages and disadvantages of different teaching methods, and to demonstrate situations in which the different methods are appropriate.

Chapter 8, “Lab-Based Teaching,” covers topics such as visualization and animation, and using the Internet in the teaching of computer science. Chapter 9, “Types of Questions in Computer Science Education,” covers the use of different cognitive skills, expanding the teacher’s teaching toolkit, and using questions to maintain motivation.

Chapter 10, “Evaluation,” emphasizes the value of formative measurement in learning. Chapter 11, “Teaching Planning,” begins at the curriculum level, and moves down to the topic, and from there to the lesson plan. Chapter 12, “Integrated View at the MTCS Course Organization,” reviews the chapters in the guide systematically through the lens of recursion. Instructors teaching a course shorter than 15 weeks might want to skip this chapter.

Chapter 13, “Getting Experience in Computer Science Education,” addresses the fieldwork, practicum, or internship process in which the future teacher gets to work with real students. The authors provide guidance for teaching, tutoring, and mentoring. Chapter 14, “Design of a Methods of Teaching Computer Science Course,” is for the college instructor who is charged with teaching the methods course. It combines classic pedagogy with model course syllabi. Chapter 15, “High School Computer Science Teacher Preparation Programs,” is about professional development.

In conclusion, this book is a valuable resource for high school and undergraduate teachers of introductory CS courses. Readers who are only interested in a methods course text may skip chapters 12, 14, and 15, if time is tight. The book is directed primarily toward those who educate the educators, as [1], not toward the content of the field, as in [2].


Bennedsen, J.; Casperse, M.; Kolling, M. (Eds.) Reflections on the teaching of programming: methods and implementations. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2008.


Larson, K.; Levine, D. 5 steps to a 5 AP computer science. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2005.

Reviewer:  G. Abramson Review #: CR139463 (1203-0270)

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