Computing Reviews

Impacts and preferences study for e-HO as a holistic learning environment complementary to e-learning
Lee C., Der Pan P., Liao C. Computers & Education56(3):747-759,2011.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 04/01/11

In this paper, the authors discuss the concept of facilitating college education through Web e-HO, a Web-based environment that complements traditional e-learning. Beyond its relatively thorough literature review, the paper focuses on an assessment study performed at the authors’ institution in Taiwan.

The authors make two key arguments for the deployed system. First, they suggest that most students enrolled in Taiwanese universities take a surface learning approach by preparing for tests. Second, while each individual course focuses on deep knowledge of a certain subject, students are unable to expand and apply this knowledge to other concepts, thus positioning themselves in a niche-based background. The authors also pose a side argument that the current generation of students needs a Web-based learning environment as a continuation of their life experiences.

Unfortunately, the paper lacks essential details on how e-HO was designed and implemented, including clear examples. As a result, it is difficult to understand how such a learning architecture works. The brief descriptions provided suggest a faculty-moderated, student/faculty-contributed content management system. Had the authors expanded the description and used more careful wording throughout the text, the paper would have been easier to read, could have a larger audience, and might have been more useful.

Reviewer:  Stefan Robila Review #: CR138947 (1110-1095)

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