Computing Reviews

Multichannel publication of interactive media documents in a news environment
Beckers T., Oorts N., Hendrickx F., Van De Walle R.  World Wide Web (Special Interest Tracks and Posters of the 14th International Conference on the World Wide Web, Chiba, Japan, May 10-14, 2005)1088-1089,2005.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 07/08/05

The addition of interactivity as an extension to the extensible interactive multimedia publication format (XiMPF) document model is described in this paper. The goal is to support the consistent presentation of content on various devices, and, though the specific example is news, the concept seems quite general.

Targeting the output for different devices is not a new area, but the authors consider the special problems that arise for interactive content (using JavaScript, Visual Basic script (VBscript), or Java). They have added an interactivity application programming interface (API) to the Apache Cocoon framework. In this brief description for a poster session, they do not include details of the API, or the concrete instantiations for specific target devices, but what they have done seems fairly clear, and the obvious question is whether the additional overhead is acceptable.

Reviewer:  Shannon Jacobs Review #: CR131483 (0605-0534)

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