Computing Reviews

Automatic language implementation
Koskimies K., Paakki J., Ellis Horwood,Upper Saddle River, NJ,1990.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 07/01/92

The title of this book is much too broad and does injustice to the real topic: a system called TOOLS, developed by the authors, that has interesting and useful capabilities not found in other state-of-the-art language processor generators. In addition to the capability for generating syntax analysis, which is offered by many other systems, TOOLS supports specification of the semantics of a language through use of an attribute grammar and generates an interpreter for the language.

These features of TOOLS reflect the orientation to applications that involve special-purpose textual languages and involve many user interactions. TOOLS is not oriented to generating compilers for general-purpose modern programming languages, especially since code generation and optimization capabilities are missing. Instead, its strength is in generating an interpreter. The authors claim that TOOLS is highly efficient in generating such language processors. As an interpreter generator, TOOLS would also be attractive for language implementation instructional purposes and for language prototyping processing.

A good survey and bibliography of automatic language implementation methodology is provided in chapter 3. It can be read independently of the other chapters that discuss TOOLS, and seems disconnected from them.

The book consists of six chapters, with the focus alternating between a general description of language processing generation methodology and specific examples illustrating use of TOOLS. Chapter 1 is short and gives a high-level overview of language processors. Chapter 2 is the longest. It thoroughly discusses specifications of syntax and semantics. While it makes references to TOOLS, it also presents the methodology of specifying syntax and semantics generally. As noted, chapter 3 contains a standalone survey of the state of the art of computer language implementation. Chapters 4 and 5 deal more directly with TOOLS, including an example in chapter 5 of specifying an interpreter for a subset of Pascal. Chapter 6 reviews the usefulness and applicability of TOOLS.

The book includes two appendices and an index. It provides uneven coverage of language implementation methodology in general and specific information on the use of TOOLS. It is too short as a text on computer language processing and too long as a manual for TOOLS. The general methodology parts would interest language implementers. The book apparently also serves as the manual for TOOLS.

Reviewer:  N. S. Prywes Review #: CR115552

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