Digital and strategic innovation for Alpine health tourism: natural resources, digital tools and innovation practices from HEALPS 2 project Spoladore D., Pessot E., Sacco M., Springer International Publishing, New York , NY, 2023. 130 pp. Type: Book (978-3031154560) |
 To quote Romanian-French playwright Eugène Ionesco, “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.”
The dining table was a medieval innovation. And what was it for a wealthy Roman? The table was a couch [1]. Here’s another question: How can we create better, more affordable experiences that improve the health and well-being of citizens, especially senior citizens, through natural health tourism (NHT)?
The Consensus AI search engine defines NHT as “travel activities that focus on enhancing health and well-being through the use of natural resources and environments.” This book is a brief and spectacular research-based roadmap for how to do so [2].
The book is a recent addition to the “SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology” series. It consists of eight chapters.
The conclusion promises an action plan with policy recommendations and implementation toolkits for the Alpine region. All of that did not fit in this book, so one more question: What might that look like?
Readers are encouraged to explore critical systems thinking about what city planners have already done and can/might do in the future [3,4,5,6]. To do more as citizen developers, readers are also referred to [7,8,9,10].
Ernest Hughes |
Review #: CR147866 |
1) |
Turner, J. Spice: the history of a temptation. Knopf, New York, NY, 2004. |
2) |
Barends, E.; Rousseau, D. Evidence-based management: how to use evidence to make better organizational decisions. Kogan Page, New York, NY, 2018. |
3) |
Corbusier, L. The city of to-morrow and its planning. Dover, New York, NY, 1987. |
4) |
Etezadzadeh, C. Smart city--future city?. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Germany, 2015. |
5) |
Matsuoka, H.; Hirai, C. Habitat Innovation. In: Society 5.0: a people-centric super-smart society. 25-42, Springer, 2020. |
6) |
Jackson, M. C. Critical systems thinking: a practitioner’s guide. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2024. |
7) |
Capdevila, I.; Zarlenga, M. I. Smart city or smart citizens? The Barcelona case. Journal of Strategy and Management 8, 3(2015), 266–282. |
8) |
Siggelkow, N.; Terwiesch, C. Connected strategy: building continuous customer relationships for competitive advantage. Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA, 2019. |
9) |
Jeffery, K.; Lyras, D. Supporting domain experts to become citizen developers. Software for Domain Experts, London, UK, 2021. |
10) |
Coughlin, J.; Yoquinto, L. Longevity hubs: regional innovation for global aging. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2024. |
Other reviews under "Tools": |
Date |
C-TODOS: an automatic tool for office system conceptual design Pernici B., Barbic F., Maiocchi R., Fugini M., Rames J., Rolland C. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 7(4): 378-419, 1989. Type: Article |
Jul 1 1990 |
Larch: languages and tools for formal specification Guttag J. (ed), Horning J., Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, NY, 1993. Type: Book (9780387940069) |
May 1 1994 |
A survey of structured and object-oriented software specification methods and techniques Wieringa R. ACM Computing Surveys 30(4): 459-527, 1998. Type: Article |
Jun 1 1999 |
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