In the 1986 movie Hoosiers, a seasoned basketball coach, played by actor Gene Hackman, prepares his doubting team for success in the final state championship game with intense practice, taking key measurements, listening to stakeholders, and making adjustments. Similarly, Digital transformation success: achieving alignment and delivering results with the process inventory framework is a potential game changer for organizations. The author, Michael Schank, has impeccable credentials and an integrated way of seeing and improving organizations that connects the dots, so to speak.
The book is intended for senior organizational leaders of large organizations (and their teams) who are responsible for the digital transformation of their enterprise to achieve operational excellence (OpEx). It consists of ten chapters, divided into three parts. Part 1 defines digital transformation success, introduces Schank’s process inventory framework, and defines a program for it. How to create and manage a robust organization-wide process inventory is the intent. Part 2 describes the requisite organizational leadership, the technology path toward digitization, transforming the change process, and risk management strategies to do so. What Schank has to say about managing risk is worthy of study and contemplation; spend some time here. Part 3 is about implementation: a process inventory accountability model, process methods, modeling rules and platform, and data matters. The accountability model pairs well with the discussion on risk management. The book concludes with references and an index. The references in the digital copy have linked uniform resource locators (URLs), which makes it easy to learn more.
Let’s circle back and take a deeper dive into a topic in chapter 6, “The Technology Path to Digitization.” Here, Schank defines an intelligent process automation (IPA) charter and highlights three technologies: robot process automation (RPA), workflow automation, and artificial intelligence (AI), describing several use cases for these technologies to achieve operational excellence. These include strategic decision-making, customer experience, operational efficiency, transforming the change process and risk management, and workforce engagement--essential elements to think through. Lastly, let’s look at some additional evidence and consider the people side of change. Recent research by Madzik and Sieber confirms that investments in such digital capabilities can result in significant benefits in an organization’s operational performance [1]. However, in a recent study about automated decision-making (ADM) in the hotel industry, Ivanov and Webster highlight that managers want to keep control in ADM processes [2].
Digital transformation success is a potential game changer for large organizations, and perhaps small and medium enterprises, too.
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