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Open-ended objects: a tool for brainstorming
Cruz V., Gaudron N.  DIS 2010 (Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Aarhus, Denmark, Aug 16-20, 2010)85-88.2010.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: Nov 5 2010

Cruz and Gaudron sketch the concept of open-ended objects that are positioned as facilitating brainstorming workshops for human-computer interaction (HCI) purposes.

Open-ended objects are characterized by four features: those that provide a preliminary experience, a tangible representation of a question, an interactive experience, and an intentionally incomplete experience. This set of features is envisioned to provide a participatory atmosphere among participants in the brainstorm session and catalyze an experience perspective on the issue at hand.

The idea behind open-ended objects is appealing. However, its description is more a sketch of an idea than a scientifically sound introduction of a new concept. Moreover, much work has already been done on probing experiences [1] and related endeavors, such as interactive art, shared mental models, and visual languages, starting with the work of Rudolf Arnheim [2]. It is a shame that Cruz and Gaudron seem to be unaware of the vast amount of work related to theirs.

Reviewer:  Egon L. van den Broek Review #: CR138560 (1109-0969)
1) Westerink, J.H.D.M.; Ouwerkerk, M.; Overbeek, B.; Pasveer, W.F.; de Ruyter, B. Probing experience: from academic research to commercial propositions. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 2008.
2) Arnheim, R. Visual thinking. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1969.
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