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  Machine learning in industrial control system (ICS) security: current landscape, opportunities and challenges
Koay A., Ko R., Hettema H., Radke K. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 601-29, 2023.  Type: Article

Today, machine learning (ML) is applied to threat detection and classification problems in the important field of industrial control. This paper reviews different ML papers that apply supervised learning, unsupervised learning, deep learning, and ...

  Data-driven prototyping via natural-language-based GUI retrieval
Kolthoff K., Bartelt C., Ponzetto S. Automated Software Engineering 30(1): 2023.  Type: Article

Reading this paper would leave anyone conflicted. It describes a good contribution ridden with flaws. It is puzzling that the referees and journal editors accepted the paper in its current form. The presentation style is verbose, and some of the l...

  Trustworthy AI: from principles to practices
Li B., Qi P., Liu B., Di S., Liu J., Pei J., Yi J., Zhou B. ACM Computing Surveys 55(9): 1-46, 2023.  Type: Article, Reviews: (2 of 2)

As computing technology continues to evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role in various aspects of our lives. Although AI dates back many decades--I took an AI subject in my university studies, in 1988--only re...

  On the adaptation of recurrent neural networks for system identification
Forgione M., Muni A., Piga D., Gallieri M. Automatica (Journal of IFAC) 1552023.  Type: Article

In this pape, Forgione et al. propose a transfer learning methodology to adapt recurrent neural network (RNN) models for dynamic system identification to new operating conditions. The approach is premised on the concept that the dynamics of real-w...

  Writing by hand or digitally in first grade: effects on rate of learning to compose text
Spilling E., Rønneberg V., Rogne W., Roeser J., Torrance M. Computers & Education 1982023.  Type: Article

This paper is one outcome of the DigiHand project (2018-2022), funded by the Research Council of Norway (grant number 273422). It is divided into five sections: “Introduction,” “Method,” “Statistical Analysis,” ...

   Building a data culture: the usage and flow data culture model
Griffin G., Holcomb D., Apress, New York , NY, 2023. 225 pp.  Type: Book (9781484299654)

Building a data culture provides an introduction to the concepts of organizational culture and data culture. It emphasizes that, for an organization’s strategy to succeed, there must be alignment between the strategy and the prevailin...

   Information security planning: a practical approach (2nd ed.)
Lincke S., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2024. 445 pp.  Type: Book (9783031431173)

Information security planning presents a comprehensive guide to the basics of information security planning. The author’s perspective addresses critical issues and challenges for emerging information security, including security aware...

  D-finite functions
Kauers M., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. 664 pp.  Type: Book (9783031346514)

D-finite functions is a comprehensive introduction to computations with functions, particularly the use of D-finite functions, in the design of algorithms targeting proof of presence/lack of relation(s), algorithms dedicated to resolving as...

  Responsible AI: best practices for creating trustworthy AI systems
Lu Q., Zhu L., Whittle J., Xu X., Pearson, Hoboken ,NJ, 2023. 320 pp.  Type: Book (9780138073923), Reviews: (2 of 2)

Responsible AI: best practices for creating trustworthy AI systems is an in-depth book that explores the essential elements of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, emphasizing ethics, transparency, and responsibility. The book is intricate...

  Visual complex analysis (25th anniversary ed.)
Needham T., Penrose R., OXFORD UNIVERISTY PRESS, Oxford, UK, 2023. 675 pp.  Type: Book (9780192868923)

Complex analysis has always enhanced the learning of mathematics. The application of complex numbers in other fields has also been widely studied, independent of theoretical studies in mathematics and related subjects. This book looks at the geome...

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