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Computing Reviews is happy to bring you the 21st annual list of notable items published in computing—this time for 2016. We reached out to many in the computing community for nominations: our reviewers, CR category editors, the editors in chief of journals we cover, and computer scientists in both industry and academia. In addition, we included proceedings papers that were recognized as “Best Papers” at their respective conferences, as well as the most downloaded journal papers from some of the top journals covered in CR.

You will find 231 items on our list, with numerous publishers represented. As we continue to improve our methods for collecting nominations and involve more of your peers in the computing community, we hope to bring you even more definitive lists in the coming years.

We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to email us with any questions (

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Notable Books and Articles in Computing of 2016

A. General Literature

Calude C.The human face of computing (vol. 9).Imperial College Press. Review

Sedgewick R.; Wayne K.Computer science:an interdisciplinary approach.Addison-Wesley Professional. Review1 Review2

B. Hardware

Dan A.; Lam P.; Hoefler T.; Vechev M.Modeling and analysis of remote memory access programming. ACM SIGPLAN Notices51,10(October 2016),129-144.

Haj-Yihia J.; Yasin A.; Asher Y.; Mendelson A.Fine-grain power breakdown of modern out-of-order cores and its implications on Skylake-based systems. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization13,4(October 2016),Article No. 56.

Wang, P.; McAllister, J. Streaming elements for FPGA signal and image processing accelerators. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 24, 6 (June 2016), 2262-2274.

Xiao K.; Forte D.; Jin Y.; Karri R.; Bhunia S.; Tehranipoor M.Hardware trojans:lessons learned after one decade of research. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems22,1(May 2016),Article No. 6.

C. Computer Systems Organization

Agelastos A.; Allan B.; Brandt J.; Gentile A.; Lefantzi S.; Monk S.; Ogden J.; Rajan M.; Stevenson J.Continuous whole-system monitoring toward rapid understanding of production HPC applications and systems. Parallel Computing58(October 2016),90-106.

Altmeyer S.; Douma R.; Lunniss W.; Davis R.On the effectiveness of cache partitioning in hard real-time systems. Real-Time Systems52,5(September 2016),598-643.

Álvarez C.; Ayguadé E.; Bosch J.; Bueno J.; Cherkashin A.; Filgueras A.; Jiménez-González D.; Martorell X.; Navarro N.; Vidal M.; Theodoropoulos D.; Pnevmatikatos D.; Catani D.; Oro D.; Fernández C.; Segura C.; Rodríguez J.; Hernando J.; Scordino C.; Gai P.; Passera P.; Pomella A.; Bettin N.; Rizzo A.; Giorgi R.The AXIOM software layers. Microprocessors & Microsystems47, Part B, (November 2016),262-277. Review

Balani N.Enterprise IoT:a definitive handbook.CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Review

Bertino E.; Choo K.; Georgakopolous D.; Nepal S.Internet of Things (IoT):smart and secure service delivery. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology16,4(December 2016),Article No. 22. Review

Bienkowski M.; Klonowski M.; Korzeniowski M.; Kowalski D.Randomized mutual exclusion on a multiple access channel. Distributed Computing29,5(October 2016),341-359.

Bregu E.; Casamassima N.; Cantoni D.; Mottola L.; Whitehouse K.Reactive control of autonomous drones. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services(MobiSys 2016),ACM,2016,207-219.

Chen M.; Qian Y.; Mao S.; Tang W.; Yang X.Software-defined mobile networks security. Mobile Networks and Applications21,5(October 2016),729-743. Review

Cho, S.; Julien, C. CHITCHAT: navigating tradeoffs in device-to-device context sharing. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2016), IEEE, 2016, 1-10.

Coppola R.; Morisio M.Connected car:technologies, issues, future trends. ACM Computing Surveys49,3(December 2016),Article No. 46.

Hayes T.; Ali F.Robust ad-hoc sensor routing (RASeR) protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks50(November 2016),128-144.

Huberman B.; Asur S.BidPacket:trading bandwidth in public spaces. Netnomics17,3(November 2016),223-232.

Kellogg B.; Talla V.; Gollakota S.; Smith J.Passive Wi-Fi:bringing low power to Wi-Fi transmissions. In Proceedings of the 13th Usenix Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation(NSDI 2016),USENIX Association,2016,151-164. Review

Kumar S.; Hegde R.Multi-sensor data fusion methods for indoor localization under collinear ambiguity. Pervasive and Mobile Computing30(August 2016),18-31.

Kurek T.; Niemiec M.; Lason A.Taking back control of privacy:a novel framework for preserving cloud-based firewall policy confidentiality. International Journal of Information Security15,3(June 2016),235-250. Review

Lenzen C.; Wattenhofer R.Tight bounds for parallel randomized load balancing. Distributed Computing29,2(April 2016),127-142.

Limoncelli T.Are you load balancing wrong?. Queue14,6(December 2016),5-13.

Lo D.; Cheng L.; Govindaraju R.; Ranganathan P.; Kozyrakis C.Improving resource efficiency at scale with Heracles. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems34,2(April 2016),Article No. 6.

Lv Y.; Moscibroda T.Fair and resilient incentive tree mechanisms. Distributed Computing29,1(February 2016),1-16.

Mahmood Z.Connectivity frameworks for smart devices:the Internet of Things from a distributed computing perspective.Springer International Publishing.

Midi D.; Sultana S.; Bertino E.A system for response and prevention of security incidents in wireless sensor networks. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks13,1(December 2016),Article No. 1.

Rehman, Z.; Hussain, O. K.; Hussain, F. K.; Chang, E.; Dillon, T. User-side QoS forecasting and management of cloud services. World Wide Web 18, 6 (Nov. 2015), 1677-1716.

Sheth A.Internet of Things to smart IoT through semantic, cognitive, and perceptual computing. IEEE Intelligent Systems31,2(March 2016),108-112.

Singh S.; Chana I.A survey on resource scheduling in cloud computing:issues and challenges. Journal of Grid Computing14,2(June 2016),217-264. Review

Wang H.; Rosa C.; Pedersen K.Dual connectivity for LTE-advanced heterogeneous networks. Wireless Networks22,4(May 2016),1315-1328.

Wang K.; Du M.; Yang D.; Zhu C.; Shen J.; Zhang Y.Game-theory-based active defense for intrusion detection in cyber-physical embedded systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems16,1(October 2016),Article No. 18.

Yang, D.; Xue, G.; Fang, X.; Tang, J. Incentive mechanisms for crowdsensing: crowdsourcing with smartphones. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 24, 3 (June 2016), 1732-1744.

Zhang B.; Ren K.; Xing G.; Fu X.; Wang C.SBVLC:secure barcode-based visible light communication for smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing15,2(February 2016),432-446.

D. Software

Aiken P.EXPERIENCE:succeeding at data management--BigCo attempts to leverage data. Journal of Data and Information Quality7,1-2(February 2016),Article No. 8.

Bersani M.; Bianculli D.; Ghezzi C.; Krstić S.; San Pietro P.Efficient large-scale trace checking using MapReduce. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,888-898. Review

Brockschmidt M.; Emmes F.; Falke S.; Fuhs C.; Giesl J.Analyzing runtime and size complexity of integer programs. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems38,4(August 2016),Article No. 13.

Burns A.Why the expressive power of programming languages such as Ada is needed for future cyber physical systems. In Proceedings of the 21st Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies(Ada-Europe 2016),Springer,2016,3-11.

Chapman K.; Hosking A.; Moss J.Hybrid STM/HTM for nested transactions on OpenJDK. ACM SIGPLAN Notices51,10(October 2016),660-676.

Christakis M.; Müller P.; Wüstholz V.Guiding dynamic symbolic execution toward unverified program executions. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,144-155.

Ghani, N.; Nordvall Forsberg, F.; Simpson, A. Comprehensive parametric polymorphism: categorical models and type theory. In Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2016), Springer, 2016, 3-19.

Gil, Y.; Levy, T. Formal language recognition with the Java type checker. In Proc. of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2016), Dagstuhl LIPIcs, 2016, 10:1-10:27.

Gousios G.; Storey M.; Bacchelli A.Work practices and challenges in pull-based development:the contributor’s perspective. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,285-296.

Hanappi O.; Hummer W.; Dustdar S.Asserting reliable convergence for configuration management scripts. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications(OOPSLA 2016),ACM,2016,328-343.

Julian, D. Designing machine learning systems with Python: design efficient machine learning systems that give you more accurate results. Packt Publishing, 2016.

Krebbers R.A formal C memory model for separation logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning57,4(December 2016),319-387.

Largent, D. L. Measuring and understanding team development by capturing self-assessed enthusiasm and skill levels. ACM Transactions on Computing Education 16, 2 (Mar. 2016), Article No. 6.

Li, Y.; Tan, T.; Zhang, Y.; and Xue, J. Program tailoring: slicing by sequential criteria. In Proc. of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2016), Dagstuhl LIPIcs, 2016, 15:1-15:27.

Madsen M.; Tip F.; Andreasen E.; Sen K.; Møller A.Feedback-directed instrumentation for deployed JavaScript applications. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,899-910.

Menendez D.; Nagarakatte S.Termination-checking for LLVM peephole optimizations. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,191-202.

Miné A.; Breck J.; Reps T.An algorithm inspired by constraint solvers to infer inductive invariants in numeric programs. In Proceedings of the 25th European Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems(ESOP 2016),Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.,2016,560-588.

Ouni A.; Kessentini M.; Sahraoui H.; Inoue K.; Deb K.Multi-criteria code refactoring using search-based software engineering:an industrial case study. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology25,3(May 2016),Article No. 23. Review

Petricek T.; Guerra G.; Syme D.Types from data: making structured data first-class citizens in F#. In Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation(PLDI 2016),ACM,2016,477-490.

Potvin R.; Levenberg J.Why Google stores billions of lines of code in a single repository. Communications of the ACM59,7(July 2016),78-87.

Raschka S.Python machine learning.Packt Publishing. Review

Rizzi E.; Elbaum S.; Dwyer M.On the techniques we create, the tools we build, and their misalignments:a study of KLEE. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,132-143. Review

Rumpe B.Modeling with UML:language, concepts, methods.Springer International Publishing. Review

Song N.; Son Y.; Han H.; Yeom H.Efficient memory-mapped I/O on fast storage device. ACM Transactions on Storage12,4(May 2016),Article No. 19. Review

Stefănescu A.; Park D.; Yuwen S.; Li Y.; Roşu G.Semantics-based program verifiers for all languages. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications(OOPSLA 2016),ACM,2016,74-91.

Sutcliffe R.; Kowarsch B.Closing the barn door:re-prioritizing safety, security, and reliability. In Proceedings of the 21st Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education(WCCCE 2016),ACM,2016,Article No. 1. Review

Swalens, J.; De Koster, J.; De Meuter, W. Transactional tasks: parallelism in software transactions. In Proc. of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2016), Dagstuhl LIPIcs, 2016, 23:1-23:28.

Tauber T.; Oliveira B.Modular architecture for code and metadata sharing. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity(MODULARITY 2016),ACM,2016,106-117.

Wang Y.; Oliveira B.The expression problem, trivially!. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity(MODULARITY 2016),ACM,2016,37-41.

Wong W.; Gao R.; Li Y.; Abreu R.; Wotawa F.A survey on software fault localization. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering42,8(August 2016),707-740. Review

Ye X.; Shen H.; Ma X.; Bunescu R.; Liu C.From word embeddings to document similarities for improved information retrieval in software engineering. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,404-415. Review

Yu T.; Qu X.; Cohen M.VDTest:an automated framework to support testing for virtual devices. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE 2016),ACM,2016,583-594.

Zhou H.; Xue J.Exploiting mixed SIMD parallelism by reducing data reorganization overhead. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization(CGO 2016),ACM,2016,59-69.

E. Data

Beimel A.; Farràs O.; Mintz Y.Secret-sharing schemes for very dense graphs. Journal of Cryptology29,2(April 2016),336-362. Review

Mondelli M.; Hassani S.; Urbanke R.Unified scaling of polar codes:error exponent, scaling exponent, moderate deviations, and error floors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory62,12(December 2016),6698-6712.

Yan H.; Liu C.Two classes of cyclic codes and their weight enumerator. Designs, Codes and Cryptography81,1(October 2016),1-9.

F. Theory Of Computation

Babai L.Graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time [extended abstract]. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing(STOC 2016),ACM,2016,684-697.

Börger E.; Schewe K.Concurrent abstract state machines. Acta Informatica53,5(August 2016),469-492.

Budig B.; Van Dijk T.; Wolff A.Matching labels and markers in historical maps:an algorithm with interactive postprocessing. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems2,4(November 2016),Article No. 13.

Chadha R.; Cheval V.; Ciobâcă S.; Kremer S.Automated verification of equivalence properties of cryptographic protocols. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic17,4(September 2016),Article No. 23.

Coecke B.; Fritz T.; Spekkens R.A mathematical theory of resources. Information and Computation250(October 2016),59-86. Review

Doczkal C.; Smolka G.Completeness and decidability results for CTL in constructive type theory. Journal of Automated Reasoning56,3(March 2016),343-365. Review

Fan S.; Zahedi S.; Lee B.The computational sprinting game. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems(ASPLOS 2016),ACM,2016,561-575.

Fontes L.; Jain R.; Kerenidis I.; Laplante S.; Laurière M.; Roland J.Relative discrepancy does not separate information and communication complexity. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory9,1(October 2016),Article No. 4.

Goldreich O.; Ron D.On sample-based testers. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory8,2(April 2016),Article No. 7.

Hesselink W.Correctness and concurrent complexity of the black-white bakery algorithm. Formal Aspects of Computing28,2(April 2016),325-341.

Kärkkäinen J.; Kempa D.; Puglisi S.Lazy Lempel-Ziv factorization algorithms. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics21(January 2016),Article No. 2.4.

Meir O.Combinatorial PCPs with short proofs. Computational Complexity25,1(March 2016),1-102.

Raz, R. Fast learning requires good memory: a time-space lower bound for parity learning. In Proc. of the 57th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2016), IEEE, 2016, 266-275.

Rubistein, A. Settling the complexity of computing approximate two-player Nash equilibria. In Proc. of the 57th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2016), IEEE, 2016, 258-265.

Schmitz S.Complexity hierarchies beyond elementary. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory8,1(February 2016),Article No. 3.

G. Mathematics Of Computing

Cao Y.; Cao Y.; Fu F.Cyclic codes over 𝔽2m [u]/⟨uk ⟩ of oddly even length. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing27,4(August 2016),259-277.

Chattopadhyay E.; Zuckerman D.Explicit two-source extractors and resilient functions. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing(STOC 2016),ACM,2016,670-683.

Chechik S.; Wulff-Nilsen C.Near-optimal light spanners. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms(SODA 2016),SIAM,2016,883-892.

Chonev V.; Ouaknine J.; Worrell J.On the complexity of the orbit problem. Journal of the ACM63,3(June 2016),Article No. 23.

Clemens J.; Reineking T.; Kluth T.An evidential approach to SLAM, path planning, and active exploration. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning73(June 2016),1-26. Review

Deng W.; Yin W.On the global and linear convergence of the generalized alternating direction method of multipliers. Journal of Scientific Computing66,3(March 2016),889-916.

Do S.; Ha Y.; Kang M.; Kim C.Application of a multi-dimensional limiting process to central-upwind schemes for solving hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Journal of Scientific Computing69,1(October 2016),274-291.

Ghaffari M.An improved distributed algorithm for maximal independent set. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms(SODA 2016),SIAM,2016,270-277.

Keeling S.; Kunisch K.Robust ℓ1 approaches to computing the geometric median and principal and independent components. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision56,1(September 2016),99-124.

Kitamura D.; Ono N.; Sawada H.; Kameoka H.; Saruwatari H.Determined blind source separation unifying independent vector analysis and nonnegative matrix factorization. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing24,9(September 2016),1622-1637.

Krenn D.; Wagner S.Compositions into powers of b:asymptotic enumeration and parameters. Algorithmica75,4(August 2016),606-631.

Kudekar S.; Kumar S.; Mondelli M.; Pfister H.; Şaşoğlu E.; Urbanke R.Reed-Muller codes achieve capacity on erasure channels. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing(STOC 2016),ACM,2016,658-669.

Nakpim W.Third-order ordinary differential equations equivalent to linear second-order ordinary differential equations via tangent transformations. Journal of Symbolic Computation77(November 2016),63-77.

Nikolaou N.; Edakunni N.; Kull M.; Flach P.; Brown G.Cost-sensitive boosting algorithms:Do we really need them?. Machine Learning104,2-3(September 2016),359-384.

Tierny J.; Carr H.Jacobi fiber surfaces for bivariate Reeb space computation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics23,1(January 2017),960-969.

Wang, M. Stochastic composition optimization: algorithms and sample complexities. In Proc. of the International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT 2016), 2016.

Watrigant R.; Bougeret M.; Giroudeau R.Approximating the sparsest k-subgraph in chordal graphs. Theory of Computing Systems58,1(January 2016),111-132.

Yoshida Y.Nonlinear Laplacian for digraphs and its applications to network analysis. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining(WSDM 2016),ACM,2016,483-492. Review

H. Information Systems

Alexiev V.; Isaac A.; Lindenthal J.On the composition of ISO 25964 hierarchical relations (BTG, BTP, BTI). International Journal on Digital Libraries17,1(March 2016),39-48.

Barowy D.; Curtsinger C.; Berger E.; McGregor A.AutoMan:a platform for integrating human-based and digital computation. Communications of the ACM59,6(June 2016),102-109. Review

Bota H.; Zhou K.; Jose J.Playing your cards right:the effect of entity cards on search behaviour and workload. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval(CHIIR 2016),ACM,2016,131-140.

Campos G.; Zimek A.; Sander J.; Campello R.; Micenková B.; Schubert E.; Assent I.; Houle M.On the evaluation of unsupervised outlier detection:measures, datasets, and an empirical study. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery30,4(July 2016),891-927.

Cecchinato M.; Sellen A.; Shokouhi M.; Smyth G.Finding email in a multi-account, multi-device world. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(CHI 2016),ACM,2016,1200-1210.

Chakraborty T.; Srinivasan S.; Ganguly N.; Mukherjee A.; Bhowmick S.Permanence and community structure in complex networks. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data11,2(November 2016),Article No. 14.

Chen C.; Zhu X.; Shen P.; Hu J.; Guo S.; Tari Z.; Zomaya A.An efficient privacy-preserving ranked keyword search method. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems27,4(April 2016),951-963.

Chung C.; Dew K.; Cole A.; Zia J.; Fogarty J.; Kientz J.; Munson S.Boundary negotiating artifacts in personal informatics:patient-provider collaboration with patient-generated data. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing(CSCW 2016),ACM,2016,770-786.

Costa J.; Adams A.; Jung M.; Guimbretière F.; Choudhury T.EmotionCheck:leveraging bodily signals and false feedback to regulate our emotions. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing(UbiComp 2016),ACM,2016,758-769.

Dementyev A.; Kao H.; Choi I.; Ajilo D.; Xu M.; Paradiso J.; Schmandt C.; Follmer S.Rovables:miniature on-body robots as mobile wearables. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(UIST 2016),ACM,2016,111-120.

Dignös A.; Böhlen M.; Gamper J.; Jensen C.Extending the kernel of a relational DBMS with comprehensive support for sequenced temporal queries. ACM Transactions on Database Systems41,4(November 2016),Article No. 26.

Dombrowski L.; Harmon E.; Fox S.Social justice-oriented interaction design:outlining key design strategies and commitments. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems(DIS 2016),ACM,2016,656-671.

ElSayed N.; Thomas B.; Marriott K.; Piantadosi J.; Smith R.Situated analytics. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing36(October 2016),13-23.

Gotz D.; Sun S.; Cao N.Adaptive contextualization:combating bias during high-dimensional visualization and data selection. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces(IUI 2016),ACM,2016,85-95.

H. Information Systems (Cont'd.)

Gröger, C.; Kassner, L.; Hoos, E.; Königsberger, J.; Kiefer, C.; Silcher, S.; and Mitschang, B. The data-driven factory: leveraging big industrial data for agile, learning and human-centric manufacturing. In Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, (ICEIS 2016) SCITEPRESS, 2016, 40-52.

Guo G.; Zhu F.; Chen E.; Liu Q.; Wu L.; Guan C.From footprint to evidence:an exploratory study of mining social data for credit scoring. ACM Transactions on the Web10,4(November 2016),Article No. 22.

Hespanhol L.Interacting with laughter:a case study on audio-based interactivity of public projections. In Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction(OzCHI 2016),ACM,2016,205-214.

Hsieh G.; Kocielnik R.You get who you pay for:the impact of incentives on participation bias. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing(CSCW 2016),ACM,2016,823-835.

Javornik A.; Rogers Y.; Moutinho A.; Freeman R.Revealing the shopper experience of using a "magic mirror" augmented reality make-up application. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems(DIS 2016),ACM,2016,871-882.

Kamalzadeh M.; Kralj C.; Möller T.; Sedlmair M.TagFlip:active mobile music discovery with social tags. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces(IUI 2016),ACM,2016,19-30.

Karana E.; Giaccardi E.; Stamhuis N.; Goossensen J.The tuning of materials:a designer’s journey. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems(DIS 2016),ACM,2016,619-631.

Ko M.; Choi S.; Yatani K.; Lee U.Lock n’ LoL:group-based limiting assistance app to mitigate smartphone distractions in group activities. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(CHI 2016),ACM,2016,998-1010.

Laput G.; Xiao R.; Harrison C.ViBand:High-Fidelity Bio-Acoustic Sensing Using Commodity Smartwatch Accelerometers. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium(User Interface Software and Technology),ACM,2016,321-333.

Le Goc M.; Kim L.; Parsaei A.; Fekete J.; Dragicevic P.; Follmer S.Zooids:building blocks for swarm user interfaces. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(UIST 2016),ACM,2016,97-109.

Leong J.; Parzer P.; Perteneder F.; Babic T.; Rendl C.; Vogl A.; Egger H.; Olwal A.; Haller M.proCover:Sensory Augmentation of Prosthetic Limbs Using Smart Textile Covers. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium(User Interface Software and Technology),ACM,2016,335-346.

Leskovec J.; Sosič R.SNAP:a general-purpose network analysis and graph-mining library. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology8,1(July 2016),Article No. 1.

Li H.; Yang W.; Wang J.; Xu Y.; Huang L.WiFinger:talk to your smart devices with finger-grained gesture. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing(UbiComp 2016),ACM,2016,250-261.

Lien J.; Gillian N.; Karagozler M.; Amihood P.; Schwesig C.; Olson E.; Raja H.; Poupyrev I.Soli:ubiquitous gesture sensing with millimeter wave radar. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)35,4(July 2016),Article No. 142.

Mason M.The MIT Museum Glassware prototype:visitor experience exploration for designing smart glasses. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage9,3(September 2016),Article No. 12.

Mehrotra A.; Hendley R.; Musolesi M.PrefMiner:mining user’s preferences for intelligent mobile notification management. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing(UbiComp 2016),ACM,2016,1223-1234.

Moshfeghi Y.; Triantafillou P.; Pollick F.Understanding information need:an fMRI study. In Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2016),ACM,2016,335-344.

Mutlu B.; Veas E.; Trattner C.VizRec:recommending personalized visualizations. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems6,4(November 2016),Article No. 31.

Napierala K.; Stefanowski J.Types of minority class examples and their influence on learning classifiers from imbalanced data. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems46,3(June 2016),563-597.

Nicolaescu, P.; Rosenstengel, M.; Derntl, M.; Klamma, R.; and Jarke, M. View-based near real-time collaborative modeling for information systems engineering. In Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2016), Springer, 2016, 3-17.

Polvi J.; Taketomi T.; Yamamoto G.; Dey A.; Sandor C.; Kato H.SlidAR. Computers and Graphics55(April 2016),33-43.

Preist C.; Schien D.; Blevis E.Understanding and mitigating the effects of device and cloud service design decisions on the environmental footprint of digital infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(CHI 2016),ACM,2016,1324-1337.

Rameau, F.; Ha, H.; Joo, K.; Choi, J.; Park, K.; and Kweon, I. S. A real-time augmented reality system to see-through cars. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22, 11 (Nov. 2016), 2395-2404.

Rawassizadeh R.; Momeni E.; Dobbins C.; Gharibshah J.; Pazzani M.Scalable daily human behavioral pattern mining from multivariate temporal data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering28,11(November 2016),3098-3112.

Ristoski P.; Paulheim H.Semantic web in data mining and knowledge discovery. Journal of Web Semantics36(January 2016),1-22.

Rouhani B.; Mirhoseini A.; Songhori E.; Koushanfar F.Automated real-time analysis of streaming big and dense data on reconfigurable platforms. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems10,1(September 2016),Article No. 8.

Saunders, J.; Syrdal, D. S.; Koay, K. L.; Burke, N.; and Dautenhahn, K. “Teach Me–Show Me”—end-user personalization of a smart home and companion robot. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 46, 1 (Feb. 2016), 27-40.

Schneider B.; Sharma K.; Cuendet S.; Zufferey G.; Dillenbourg P.; Pea R.Using mobile eye-trackers to unpack the perceptual benefits of a tangible user interface for collaborative learning. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction23,6(November 2016),Article No. 39.

Stonebraker, M. Big data is (at least) four different problems. YouTube, 01:02:35 published on June 2, 2016, stanfordonline,

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