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  2006 Computing Reviews Editorial
January 1, 2006

Hats off to our category editors!

In recent months, we’ve seen off two of our editors, and welcomed some new ones to our editorial board.

Indranil Chakravarty (Image Processing and Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition) has stepped down to devote more time to his consulting business. Isaac Cohen (University of Southern California) picks up this area in his place.

Ian Gladwell (Mathematics of Computing) has joined ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software as Editor in Chief. His section is now shared between two editors: Michael Minkoff (Argonne National Laboratory) and Raymond Chan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong).

In addition to checking individual reviews in the queue, all of our category editors suggest coverage priorities, aid in reviewer development, and test editorial guidelines.

We deeply appreciate their good humor, wise advice, and valuable time.


Carol Hutchins

Editor in Chief

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