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  2012 Computing Reviews Editorial
January 1, 2012

During the past couple of months, we have had some changes in our set of category editors. Joining the group is Antonio Badia from the University of Louisville, who is covering databases, information systems, and related areas. Next, to fill out coverage of the software area, we are pleased to have Richard Clayton, of Monmouth University, who has contributed reviews regularly for a number of years.

It seems appropriate to join the chorus of remarks and reflect upon the recent passing of three significant people in the computing field. I'm thinking, of course, of Dennis Ritchie, creator of C, co-creator of Unix, and 1983 Turing Award recipient; John McCarthy, inventor of Lisp, pioneer in the development of AI, and 1971 Turing Award recipient; and Steve Jobs, designer and impresario of all things Apple. My guess would be that the vast majority of today's CS undergraduate or even many graduate students might not recognize those first two names without some prompting, but Jobs achieved the kind of celebrity that made him a household name.

All three gentlemen led extraordinary lives and received special recognition for their achievements. Thinking back upon my own experiences with learning computing subjects, I can hardly think of anything more fun than the class in which I learned Lisp. However, Jobs turned the computer into something at once more beautiful and made it a part of our everyday lives.


Carol Hutchins

Editor in Chief

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