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  2013 Computing Reviews Editorial
January 1, 2013

As we welcome 2013, the staff of Computing Reviews (CR) foresees devoting considerable attention to incorporating the new Computing Classification Scheme (CCS) 2012 into our own infrastructure. If you have not yet glanced at the new CCS, please do so. You will see important expansion in Human-Centered Computing (a broader notion than HCI) and also Security and Privacy. The first part of this issue of CR is devoted to a description and listing of the new CCS taxonomy. More details about the process of creating this update, as well as expectations for future adjustments, appear at

ACM has already begun to add the new scheme into elements of the ACM Digital Library. This will proceed in stages, and without doubt a similar incremental process will be required for CR. The CCS is an underlying structure to the entire system supporting our work. While we do not have a detailed timeline for making changes, we do want to realize the benefits of the new set of terms as soon as possible. It will be interesting to see how well the changes support the description of the interests of our reviewers.

Two new category editors have recently joined our ranks. Wingyan Chung (UNC Fayetteville State University) and Augustí Solanas (Universitat Rovira i Vergili) will cover the Information Systems area. Antonio Badia (University of Louisville) has been very ably handling that area, and we are grateful for his contributions. Longtime editor Maxine Cohen (Nova Southeastern University) will continue to cover the Information Interfaces and Presentation section of the Information Systems area.

I look forward to the changes this year will bring, and I hope you do, too.


Carol Hutchins

Editor in Chief

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