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Computing Reviews Completes Successful Test Launch, Opens To Paid Subscribers

New York, NY Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - Today, Computing Reviews, the online resource for reviews of the best in computing literature, announced the completion of its beta testing period and will now begin accepting paid subscriptions.

"Granting a period of free access was vital to the development of Computing Reviews," said Bruce Antelman, President of "We wanted to make sure we were making CR available to as much of the computing community as possible during the developmental phase of the site. Open access enabled us to receive feedback from a larger group of computer science professionals, which we used to perfect the technology and systems that make Computing Reviews possible. The response was extremely positive, and word spread quickly... over the past 15 months readership increased in monumental proportions. There are now more readers every week than previously subscribed annually."

"The feedback we've received during the launch period has been invaluable to the development of Computing Reviews as an online publication," said Carol Wierzbicki, Executive Editor of Computing Reviews. "We've used the community's input to help transform Computing Reviews from a static print publication to a dynamic online database. We are very grateful to all the users who helped us test and refine the system."

Developed by and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Computing Reviews helps readers manage the large amount of new material published in computer science by pointing them to the best new journal articles and books and giving them a continually updated overview of the field. Readers also benefit from the ability to link to full text, receive customized alerts and read multiple points of view. Reviewers have been carefully screened to ensure that they are qualified to provide expert opinions on the material they review. Computing Reviews is based on ACM's 40-year-old paper journal of the same name.

"To thank all of our users who have contributed to the refinement of Computing Reviews, we are offering their institutions a 10 percent discount on a one-year subscription through June 1, 2002," Antelman said. "Existing users requiring an individual subscription will get the first month free if they subscribe before that date."

He added: "Computing Reviews is an especially important product to because it is a model for future titles. The technology, editorial process and user base developed for CR provides the blueprint to build into the premier reviewing service for academic and scientific literature."

Founded in 1999, is a New York-based publisher of reviews focusing on academic and professional literature. Its first titles are community-based services that provide reviews of articles and books in specific academic disciplines. For more information, visit

About the ACM:
Founded in 1947, ACM is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students worldwide. Today, our 75,000 members and the public turn to ACM for the industry's leading Portal to Computing Literature (, authoritative publications and pioneering conferences, providing leadership for the 21st century. For information about ACM, visit

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