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  ACM Expands Partnership with
October 20, 2010

ACM has teamed up with to market, sell, and distribute access to the online database for the ACM Computing Reviews (CR) journal published by ACM in collaboration with Effective October 13, 2010, institutional subscriptions to the academic, government, and corporate markets will be sold exclusively by ACM and its authorized sales agents. In the past, subscriptions were ordered directly through Over the past year, ACM and have worked closely to identify opportunities to create better value for institutional subscribers and end users of CR, and this new approach to selling the CR database is a tangible result of this collaboration.

In the past, CR and ACM Digital Library subscribers have had a taste of the high quality and comprehensive reviews that are available in the CR database as a result of the strong integration that already exists between the ACM Digital Library and CR. The ACM Digital Libraries' bibliographic database, The Guide to Computing Literature, contains links to over 24,000 reviews on the CR site and the ACM Digital Library contains the full text of over 5,000 articles currently reviewed by CR in the database. However, in the past it was not possible for institutional subscribers to the ACM Digital Library to subscribe and access CR directly through the DL with a single point of entry, invoice, and IP authentication. Going forward, this process will be seamless for subscribers ordering through ACM.

As of October 13, 2010, ACM is offering special consortia-based pricing for institutional subscribers ordering through any of ACM's many regional consortia partners around the world with a simplified transaction process. For government and corporate institutions, there will also be an option to bundle pricing and access for CR directly with their ACM Digital Library subscription.

In the United States, 2010/2011 pricing for CR is tier based to conform to the ACM Digital Library model and in the Rest of World pricing is based on a flat-fee model. In all regions there will be discounts available for ordering through ACM's academic library consortium partners.

In the coming weeks, the ACM DL librarian website will be updated with CR marketing materials, pricing information and CR advertisements. If you would like to know more about the CR product offering, please visit or for pricing details, please email Nolen Harris at ACM directly.

Founded in 1999, is a New York-based publisher of reviews focusing on academic and professional literature. Its first titles are community-based services that provide reviews of articles and books in specific academic disciplines. For more information, visit

About the ACM:
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery (, is an educational and scientific society uniting the world's computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field's challenges. ACM strengthens the profession's collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

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