electronic commerce (e-commerce), the negotiation of an exchange of goods or
services is conducted electronically, rather than physically. Today, the most
prevalent form of electronic market is the electronic auction house. eBay,
whose consumer auction infrastructure is facilitating consumer-to-consumer
transactions, earned revenues of $1.3 billion in 2005. Google and Yahoo!, whose
electronic-sponsored search auctions are facilitating business-to-consumer and
business-to-business transactions, earned revenues of $6.1 and $5.3 billion,
respectively, in 2005.
Game theory is the study of decision making among multiple agents (human or software). In a game, the decisions of all agents jointly determine the outcome. An auction is a classic example of a game: the bids of all participants determine the winner and the winning price. This essay illustrates some of the features and bugs in the design of electronic consumer auctions (eBay's and Amazon's) and sponsored search auctions (Yahoo!'s, and Google's) by applying game-theoretic reasoning. The Trading Agent Competition (TAC), a game-based platform for joint experimentation with intelligent software agent strategies and electronic market designs, is also described. Simulation environments such as TAC are indispensable because the effectiveness of an electronic market design is contingent on the behavior of the market's participants.
By respecting game-theoretic principles and by analyzing
electronic market designs using agent-based simulations, markets can be made
more efficient so that, in the future, they do a better job of matching buyers
with sellers than what is achieved today.
Consumer Auctions
eBay. A standard mechanism for selling an
item on eBay is via an ascending auction that terminates at a fixed time, with
the highest bidder winning the item at the winning bid price. eBay auctions are
monitored by autonomous bidding agents called proxy bidders. After a user enters his willingess to pay (WTP) for an item, a proxy bidder
bids on the user's behalf, as long as the WTP exceeds the winning bid.
To make
use of proxy bidding, eBay provides the following guidelines, which instruct
bidders to bid their true WTPs for items up front:
Enter the highest amount you'd be willing to pay for the item. eBay will automatically raise your bid, only as much as is needed for you to remain the high bidder. (This is called proxy bidding...) This means that you may win an item for less than your maximum bid.
However, it is not optimal to follow eBay's guidelines [1].
Imagine Alice and Bob are the only two participants in an auction. Suppose Alice's WTP A exceeds Bob's WTP B. Alice is a manual bidder: she monitors the auction herself, and manually enters a bid one increment above the highest bid p, whenever she is not winning and A>p. If Bob follows eBay's guidelines, he will lose the auction; if instead he snipes--that is, bids his WTP only moments before the auction terminates---he can win.
sniping is an equilibrium bidding strategy in eBay auctions [2]. Moreover, more experienced eBay bidders
are more likely to snipe; experts bidding on eBay report that by sniping they
can avoid revealing to other bidders private information about their WTPs. At the extreme, if all bidders were
snipers, then eBay auctions would reduce to sealed-bid auctions, where all bidders submit their bids in private (for example, in sealed
Amazon. Alternatively, Amazon implements
the going, going, gone feature of live auctions. Whenever a bid is cast in the
last ten minutes of an auction, the auction is automatically extended for an
additional ten minutes from the time of the latest bid. This ensures that an
auction can't close until ten bidless minutes have passed.
design, sniping is not effective in Amazon auctions. Moreover, Amazon
recognizes the value of creating a bidding frenzy: Amazon offers its sellers
the option of enticing early bidding with a first-bidder discount. The intent
is to start the bidding early, in an attempt to create a virtual atmosphere
that is reminiscent of an English auction house, with lots of bidder excitement
ultimately leading to greater revenues than can be achieved via sealed-bid
Which electronic auction design is
superior? From the point of view of economic efficiency, where the goal is to
maximize social welfare, the item should be awarded to the bidder with the
highest WTP. eBay’s auction design, then, is problematic because sniping can
lead to inefficient outcomes (recall Alice and Bob). In contrast, Amazon-style
auctions have been observed to be more efficient in laboratory experiments [3].
Sponsored Search Auctions
sponsored search markets, search engines sell keywords, such as "digital
camera, "to advertisers. The goods in these markets are electronic
billboards--spaces to post promotions alongside the results of keyword
searches. As sellers, search
engines seek to maximize their revenue; hence, they face the age-old question
of how to price their goods.
Before the advent of the Internet, the most
widespread advertising pricing model was based on the cost per thousand
impressions (CPM), where an impression is a posting of an ad. This classic
model, well suited to more traditional media such as television, newspapers,
and magazines, was adopted in 1994 by Internet content providers. Historically,
Internet CPM contracts were large (some early contracts were valued at
$30,000). Hence, their negotiation was cumbersome, necessitating extensive
human intervention. This was unfortunate because, on the Internet, there is
ample opportunity for automation.
(Yahoo!). In 1997,
Overture (now Yahoo! Search Marketing) launched an innovative framework for
selling advertising space on the Internet. There were (at least) two novel
aspects of Overture's design:
- Rather
than selling large, expensive chunks of advertising space, each keyword was
sold via its own auction (with prices as low as <$1 for a single slot).
- Payment
is made on a pay-per-click (PPC), rather than a per-impression, basis (where
the advertiser pays only if someone clicks on the ad).
with Overture on the scene, combinatorially many inexpensive, perishable
goods--namely, keywords in searches--were up for auction. For each keyword,
several advertising slots were auctioned at once, each one
representing a position relative to the top of the search page. Because of
presentation bias (the tendency of users to click on earlier search results),
positions closer to the top are preferred.
Overture's auction mechanism has been characterized
as a generalized first-price auction
(GFP) [4]. In a first-price auction for a single item, the highest bidder wins
the item at the highest price. In a GFP, multiple items are up for auction; the
highest bidder wins the first item at the highest price, the second-highest
bidder wins the second item at the second-highest price, and so on.
notable aspect of Overture's auction design was that winning bids were
posted. This feature, however,
proved problematic, resulting in instability, as we can see in the following
A typical Overture auction for three advertising slots, with
bidding agents Alice, Bob, and Carol, might proceed as follows: Alice bids her
WTP (A), while
Bob and Carol bid their WTPs (B and C), with A>B>C.
Alice wins slot one at the price of A, while Bob wins slot two at the price of B, and Carol wins slot three at the
price of C.
Since winning prices are
posted, Bob quickly realizes that a bid of C+ε would be sufficient to win slot two, and he decreases his bid
accordingly. Immediately
thereafter, Alice notices that a bid of C+2ε would be sufficient to win slot one. She, too,
decreases her bid accordingly.
But the game does not end there. Bob would prefer slot one
to slot two, so he bids C+3ε to outbid Alice.
Alice follows suit, bidding C+4ε to outbid Bob. This bidding war continues until Bob's WTP is
reached, at which point Bob drops his bid back down to C+ε and the cycle begins anew.
Google. In 2002, Google launched its
AdWords Select program. Google's auction mechanism has been characterized as a
kind of generalized second-price auction (GSP) [4]. In a second-price auction for a single
item, the highest bidder wins the item at the second-highest price. In a GSP, multiple
items are up for auction: the highest bidder wins the first item at the
second-highest price, the second-highest bidder wins the second item at the
third-highest price, and so on. The GSP eliminates some of the instability of
the GFP, because there is no need for the winner of the kth item to adjust his bid down to
the k+1st price;
by design, he already pays the k+1st price.
auction mechanism introduced another new feature, which exploits the fact that
advertisers bid (and pay) on a PPC basis rather than a CPM basis. Instead of
allocating advertising slots in the decreasing order of bids, slots are
allocated in the decreasing order of expected revenue. This revenue is computed
as the product of the advertiser's bid and the advertiser's expected
click-through rate–an estimate of how likely the
advertiser's ad is to be clicked on.
In sponsored search auctions, there are numerous design dimensions,
including: CPM versus PPC versus pay-per-conversion; GFP versus GSP;
and rank-by-bid versus rank-by-revenue. Among the various combinations,
Google's auction mechanism is one that explicitly seeks to maximize
Google's revenue. But Google's auction mechanism lacks one basic
property that has been identified by game theorists as desirable of
auctions: incentive compatibility (IC). In an incentive-compatible
auction, bidders are incentivized to bid their true valuations, no more
(of course) and no less. It is well-known [4] how to implement an
incentive-compatible generalized auction. The design of an
incentive-compatible generalized auction that maximizes revenue is an
open problem in game theory whose solution could have a great impact in
the world of e-commerce.
Trading Agent Competition
Thus far, several popular electronic auction designs
have been discussed from a game-theoretic point of view. I will now describe
the Trading Agent Competition (TAC), a
game-based platform for joint experimentation with intelligent software agent
strategies and electronic market designs. TAC is an annual competition hosted
by the Association for Trading Agent Research. The purpose of TAC is twofold:
to evaluate agent strategies in a simulated electronic market, and to evaluate
market designs, given a group of trading agents.
agents are programmed traders. They operate autonomously in the marketplace,
sending bids, requesting quotes, accepting offers, and generally negotiating
deals according to market rules; humans do not intervene while negotiations are
in progress. These agents face a
challenging task. To play the market effectively, they must make decisions in
real time in uncertain, dynamic environments. Successful agents rapidly
assimilate information from multiple sources, forecast future events, optimize
the allocation of their resources, anticipate strategic interactions, and learn
from their experiences.
there are two running versions of the Trading Agent Competition: TAC Travel and
TAC Supply Chain Management (SCM). In TAC Travel, travel goods--flights,
hotels, and entertainment tickets--are sold in three types of electronic
markets. In TAC 2000, hotels were sold in ascending auctions with a fixed
clearing time, much like eBay auctions. As you can probably anticipate, most
TAC 2000 agents behaved like snipers. (The designers of the TAC 2000 hotel
auctions anticipated this outcome. Their attempted fix, however, failed.)

Figure 1: Illustration of the environment a TAC
agent operates within. On the left are its eight clients and their preferences,
in the middle are all of its competitors (seven competitors per game), and on
the right are all of the auctions (28 simultaneous auctions of three different
(Illustration courtesy of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) Intelligent Systems Lab.)
SCM, agents are computer manufacturers who buy raw materials from suppliers and
sell finished goods to customers. Like TAC Travel, early renditions of TAC SCM
were effective in revealing problems with certain electronic market designs. In
TAC SCM 2003, the suppliers' pricing model was susceptible to manipulation by
the agents. This model was redesigned twice. Finally, it appears to be no
longer susceptible to (egregious) manipulation.
TAC Travel and TAC SCM are both running strong. Next year, the TAC Board of
Trustees plans to release a new game on electronic market design.
commerce promises to reshape the world's economy. There has been a recent surge
of activity in algorithmic game theory, a new research area that aims to
develop computationally efficient market mechanisms. Currently, however, many popular electronic
marketplaces have their shortcomings. This is true of eBay's consumer auctions,
Yahoo!’s and Google's sponsored search auctions, and the initial designs of TAC
Travel and TAC SCM.
The design of electronic market mechanisms is a
tricky business. Electronic market mechanisms can (and should) be evaluated
based on game theory, prior to their release. Populating simulated markets with
artificially intelligent software agents in a forum such as the international
Trading Agent Competition is another indispensable means of evaluation. This
research area, which overlaps with both game theory and computer science, is
sometimes called computational mechanism design.
The interplay of game theory and e-commerce is an exciting domain
for future research. Progress in this area will require a combination
of theoretical analysis, empirical studies, and simulation experiments.
Better market designs will do a better job of matching buyers with
sellers, ultimately enhancing the welfare of our society.
Jul 28 2006
Last updated: Aug 24 2006 |