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  Browse All Reviews > Software (D) > Programming Languages (D.3) > Processors (D.3.4) > Preprocessors (D.3.4...)  
  1-5 of 5 Reviews about "Preprocessors (D.3.4...)": Date Reviewed
  Investigating preprocessor-based syntax errors
Medeiros F., Ribeiro M., Gheyi R.  GPCE 2013 (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 27-28, 2013) 75-84, 2013.  Type: Proceedings

The C preprocessor is often used to configure a program for different environments. A combination of flags denotes a particular environment, controlling conditionals and macros to generate an appropriate version of the program. General...

Dec 30 2013
  Parallelizing Subroutines in Sequential Programs
Chu C., Carver D. IEEE Software 11(1): 77-85, 1994.  Type: Article

The authors describe an algorithm that takes a sequential, structured FORTRAN program as input and produces parallel call-end statements for subroutines that can be executed in parallel. The presentation emphasizes the identification o...

Nov 1 1995
  VAX FORTRAN to FORTRAN 77 translator
Hessel R., Chico S. Advances in Engineering Software 7(3): 142-156, 1985.  Type: Article

This paper describes a preprocessor that translates VAX FORTRAN programs into “standard” FORTRAN 77. The preprocessor is written in two versions of Pascal: one that employs tools from [1], and another referred to as...

Jun 1 1987
  Papering over deficiencies in your language for convenience and portability: preprocessors vs. standards
Feldman S.  Tools, methods and languages for scientific and engineering computation (, Paris, France, 2741984.  Type: Proceedings

The programming languages we use are deficient. Some of the problems may be inherent to the use of computers, but others are caused by using the wrong tool for the job. If, as usual, we are forced to use an imperfect language, the only...

Jan 1 1986
  Fatal error in pass zero: how not to confuse novices
du Boulay B., Matthew I.  Readings on cognitive ergonomics - mind and computers (, Gmunden, Austria, 1411984.  Type: Proceedings

It is nice to know that well into the era of 4th and 5th generation languages, application generators, software engineering, and the like, someone is still worrying about novice programmers. Pity the poor programmer whose innocent erro...

Sep 1 1985
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