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Relational Databases (H.2.4...)
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Relational data factorization
Paramonov S., Leeuwen M., Raedt L. Machine Learning 106(12): 1867-1904, 2017. Type: Article
General methods take advantage of developing frameworks for data mining and machine learning that can be specialized for efficiency according to the problem domain. This paper discusses a declarative modeling method as a form of relati...
Feb 7 2019
Shuffle index: efficient and private access to outsourced data
De Capitani Di Vimercati S., Foresti S., Paraboschi S., Pelosi G., Samarati P. ACM Transactions on Storage 11(4): 1-55, 2015. Type: Article
There exists “a clear need to provide proper confidentiality protection” to outsourced data where the data itself and access to that data is “not under the control of the data owner.” Content pro...
Jan 20 2016
Detecting summarizability in OLAP
Niemi T., Niinimäki M., Thanisch P., Nummenmaa J. Data & Knowledge Engineering 891-20, 2014. Type: Article
In designing online analytical processing (OLAP) databases or preparing data warehouses providing the bases of OLAP data marts, it is an essential aspect to define index and measure attributes that are suitable for aggregating basic va...
Jun 24 2015
Comparing NoSQL MongoDB to an SQL DB
Parker Z., Poe S., Vrbsky S. ACMSE 2013 (Proceedings of the 51st ACM Southeast Conference, Savannah, Georgia, Apr 4-6, 2013) 1-6, 2013. Type: Proceedings
Results are presented of a performance comparison between SQL Server and NoSQL MongoDB database systems. The comparison involved insert, three kinds of update, four kinds of simple select, and three kinds of complex select operations. ...
Jul 3 2014
Efficient tracking of moving objects using a relational database
Behrend A., Schüller G., Wieneke M. Information Systems 38(8): 1269-1284, 2013. Type: Article
Classic algorithms for tracking uncooperative moving objects are often computationally expensive, even with the most powerful machines in the consumer market. The challenge comes from implementing the tracker’s calculation in...
Jan 13 2014
Database design for mere mortals: a hands-on guide to relational database design (3rd ed.)
Hernandez M., Addison-Wesley Professional, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2013. 672 pp. Type: Book (978-0-321884-49-7)
Software engineering in the 21st century depends heavily on the science of designing and implementing databases. Many software applications work or fail based on the methods used to implement the underlying databases. This book focuses...
Nov 8 2013
Comparing workflow specification languages: a matter of views
Abiteboul S., Bourhis P., Vianu V. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 37(2): 1-59, 2012. Type: Article
How do you compare different workflow specification languages such as the business process execution language (BPEL) or business process modeling notation (BPMN), given their utterly different notations and dissimilar execution semanti...
Jan 15 2013
The Monte Carlo Database System: stochastic analysis close to the data
Jampani R., Xu F., Wu M., Perez L., Jermaine C., Haas P. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 36(3): 1-41, 2011. Type: Article
The main subject of the paper relates to using Monte Carlo simulation on databases to allow the creation of future scenarios flexible enough to allow a what-if hypothesis. It combines database theory with Monte Carlo methods; for examp...
Apr 24 2012
Harvesting relational tables from lists on the Web
Elmeleegy H., Madhavan J., Halevy A. The VLDB Journal: The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases 20(2): 209-226, 2011. Type: Article
Extracting structured information from the Web is a challenge. Information extraction from Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages, and wrapper generation in particular, are research fields related to this goal....
Oct 27 2011
A model for matching and integrating heterogeneous relational biomedical databases schemas
Karasneh Y., Ibrahim H., Othman M., Yaakob R. IDEAS 2009 (Proceedings of the 2009 International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, Cetraro, Calabria, Italy, Sep 16-18, 2009) 242-250, 2009. Type: Proceedings
When working to integrate multiple database schemas, either to merge them or to enable queries across their federation, the desirability of automatic schema matching is apparent. Although schema matching and integration has been studie...
Dec 24 2009
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