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1-10 of 35 Reviews about "
Virtual Reality (I.3.7...)
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Augmented reality and virtual reality: the power of AR and VR for business
tom Dieck M., Jung T., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2019. 335 pp. Type: Book (978-3-030062-45-3)
The concept of virtual reality (VR)--that is, when one’s senses and perception can be shifted to experience something that is not real--has been around for decades. The growth in computing power and display technology over the past...
Mar 3 2023
Human-centered VR design: five essentials every engineer needs to know
Jerald J. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 38(2): 15-21, 2018. Type: Article
When virtual reality (VR) is not pleasing to see and/or hear, users will remove their headsets or glasses. One main reason is that engineers don’t consider all human aspects of the VR experience when developing VR systems and...
May 29 2019
Perceived space in the HTC Vive
Kelly J., Cherep L., Siegel Z. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 15(1): 1-16, 2017. Type: Article
This introduction is useful in that it discusses some of the issues that have challenged the development of virtual environments (VEs) and how some of these have already been resolved....
Apr 4 2018
Effects of sound on visual realism perception and task performance
Cowan B., Rojas D., Kapralos B., Moussa F., Dubrowski A. The Visual Computer 31(9): 1207-1216, 2015. Type: Article
Without going back to Arthur Rimbaud and his poem “Voyelles” on the colors of letters, the interplay between our five senses has been observed for quite some time. Visual perception, say, is influenced by our audito...
Nov 12 2015
A seamless solution for 3D real-time interaction: design and evaluation
Hernoux F., Christmann O. Virtual Reality 19(1): 1-20, 2015. Type: Article
Three-dimensional (3D) real-time interaction in virtual environments (VEs) has been a topic of research for a few decades. Interaction methods have evolved in parallel with processing power and motion-tracking technology....
Jul 14 2015
Why, when and how to use augmented reality agents (AuRAs)
Campbell A., Stafford J., Holz T., O’hare G. Virtual Reality 18(2): 139-159, 2014. Type: Article
Augmented reality (AR) applications have gained prominence due to recent advancements in both software and hardware solutions. This paper advocates the use of augmented reality agents (AuRAs) for AR applications, by trying to answer th...
Nov 3 2014
Everything is alive: towards the future wisdom web of things
Eguchi A., Nguyen H., Thompson C. World Wide Web 16(4): 357-378, 2013. Type: Article
Everything is Alive (EiA) is described by the authors of this paper as an ambitious vision and architecture for a future where smart real-world objects dynamically discover and interact with other real or virtual objects, humans or vir...
Sep 17 2013
OpenViBE: an open-source software platform to design, test, and use brain-computer interfaces in real and virtual environments
Renard Y., Lotte F., Gibert G., Congedo M., Maby E., Delannoy V., Bertrand O., Lécuyer A. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 19(1): 35-53, 2010. Type: Article
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) enable users to control machines and computers solely through sensors that detect various types of brain activity. In the past, this technology was restricted to research and specialized applications, b...
Jan 13 2011
Promoting occupational health in secondary schools through virtual patients
Wengenroth L., Hege I., Förderreuther K., Riu E., Mandl H., Kujath P., Radon K. Computers & Education 55(4): 1443-1448, 2010. Type: Article
Wengenroth et al. describe the construction and use of an online teaching tool concerned with occupational health. The application is designed for students, to help them understand the need for pre-employment health checks and consider...
Dec 13 2010
Exploring individual user differences in the 2D/3D interaction with medical image data
Zudilova-Seinstra E., van Schooten B., Suinesiaputra A., van der Geest R., van Dijk B., Reiber J., Sloot P. Virtual Reality 14(2): 105-118, 2010. Type: Article
The use of virtual environments with three-dimensional (3D) input devices such as data gloves is becoming increasingly important in medical imaging. This paper compares user performance with respect to a number of imaging tasks, using ...
Dec 8 2010
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