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1-10 of 13 Reviews about "
Concurrent, Distributed, And Parallel Languages (D.3.2...)
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The Go programming language
Donovan A., Kernighan B., Addison-Wesley Professional, Old Tappan, NJ, 2016. 400 pp. Type: Book (978-0-134190-44-0)
In 1978, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie published
The C programming language
[1], the first book about C and the definitive guide to the language for decades. Kernighan has now teamed up with Alan Donovan to write
The Go ...
Jan 22 2016
Scala for the impatient
Horstmann C., Addison-Wesley Professional, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2012. 384 pp. Type: Book (978-0-321774-09-5)
You have probably heard that the Scala language combines functional and object-oriented programming; runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), so it can leverage all the code written in Java; and has a good reputation for writing concurr...
Aug 31 2012
Implicit invocation meets safe, implicit concurrency
Long Y., Mooney S., Sondag T., Rajan H. GPCE 2010 (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Oct 10-13, 2010) 63-72, 2010. Type: Proceedings
Panini is the name of an evolving parallel programming environment being developed at Iowa State University. It is introduced as a novel technology for safe, concurrent, modular software development, specifically to run on multicore pr...
May 17 2011
Race-free and memory-safe multithreading: design and implementation in Cyclone
Gerakios P., Papaspyrou N., Sagonas K. TLDI 2010 (Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation, Madrid, Spain, Jan 23, 2010) 15-26, 2010. Type: Proceedings
Memory management and locking are major issues in multithreaded programming. In fact, several methods in the thread class in Java are now deprecated because they cannot guarantee safety for locking....
Jun 2 2010
Asynchronous sequential processes
Caromel D., Henrio L., Serpette B. Information and Computation 207(4): 459-495, 2009. Type: Article
Caromel, Henrio, and Serpette take a deterministic sequential object calculus, inspired by Abadi and Cardelli [1], and build a parallel calculus on top of it, by assuming that the objects are distributed into activities (single threads...
Oct 13 2009
Principles of concurrent and distributed programming (2nd ed.)
Ben-Ari M., Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co, Inc., Boston, MA, 2006. 384 pp. Type: Book (9780321312839), Reviews: (2 of 2)
The old saw, “If you think it’s easy, [then you’ve proved that] you don’t understand the problem,” was directed at me a long time ago, but only once or twice (I clai...
Jun 22 2007
Principles of concurrent and distributed programming (2nd ed.)
Ben-Ari M., Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co, Inc., Boston, MA, 2006. 384 pp. Type: Book (9780321312839), Reviews: (1 of 2)
There is more to concurrent programming than semaphores and mutual exclusion. Having read a number of books in this area, it was a pleasure to review a book that does not just stop at the dining philosophers, but also covers broader to...
Feb 13 2007
Tutorial: compiling concurrent languages for sequential processors
Edwards S. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 8(2): 141-187, 2003. Type: Article
A reactive computation exchanges events with the environment in which the computation runs. Reactive computations execute with concurrency, but many compilers for reactive languages attempt to improve execution performance by generatin...
Jul 18 2003
KLAIM: A Kernel Language for Agents Interaction and Mobility
de Nicola R., Ferrari G., Pugliese R. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 24(5): 315-330, 1998. Type: Article
In this research paper, the authors describe the design of a kernel language for describing mobile agents and their interaction strategies. They start with the motivation for their work and an informal introduction to the Kernel Langua...
Mar 1 1999
Compositional parallel programming languages
Foster I. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 18(4): 454-476, 1996. Type: Article
Parallel programs are complex objects and are hard to build. One way to make building one easier is to insist that the programming language be compositional, that is, the properties of the whole must be (simple) functions of the proper...
Jan 1 1997
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