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  Browse All Reviews > Computer Applications (J) > Arts And Humanities (J.5) > Music (J.5...)  
  1-10 of 30 Reviews about "Music (J.5...)": Date Reviewed
  The future of music: towards a computational musical theory of everything
Mazzola G., Noer J., Pang Y., Yao S., Afrisando J., Rochester C., Neace W., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2020. 257 pp.  Type: Book (978-3-030397-08-1)

When I picked this book to review, I had expected a book about formal theories of music: notations, definitions, functions, relations, theorems, and so on. However, when I opened it, I found professional, academic musicians’ ...

Nov 23 2020
   The Haskell school of music: from signals to symphonies
Hudak P., Quick D., Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2018. 398 pp.  Type: Book

Music and mathematics have been linked since the ancient Greeks, and computing can be seen as a constructive variant of mathematics. So it is no surprise that music applications were among the first to be developed when computers were ...

Feb 19 2020
  Can background music facilitate learning?: Preliminary results on reading comprehension
Hu X., Li F., Kong R.  LAK 2019 (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Tempe, AZ, Mar 4-8, 2019) 101-105, 2019.  Type: Proceedings

In my experience, humming a tune or listening to some soft music helps with learning. But does any background music help, or only some specific type? Hu et al. address this question here. The authors conducted an experiment with four d...

Jun 5 2019
  Tape music archives: from preservation to access
Fantozzi C., Bressan F., Pretto N., Canazza S. International Journal on Digital Libraries 18(3): 233-249, 2017.  Type: Article

Magnetic tape doesn’t keep well. It was produced in a range of materials for use with a range of specific technologies. How best can we preserve magnetic tape recordings? This paper discusses a methodology for preservation an...

Feb 21 2018
  Musical form and algorithmic solutions
Copley P., Gartland-Jones A.  Creativity & cognition (Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Creativity & Cognition, London, United Kingdom, Apr 12-15, 2005) 226-231, 2005.  Type: Proceedings

The application of algorithms in music composition is the topic of this interesting paper. It grows from the principles of modern compositional techniques to cover the general use of algorithms. It provides a study of algorithmic appro...

Nov 16 2005
  muse: a digital music stand for symphony musicians
Graefe C., Wahila D., Maguire J., Dasna O. interactions 3(3): 26-35, 1996.  Type: Article

This interim report is by four authors with backgrounds in communication design, computer science, industrial design, and anthropology. I assume, based on comments made in the article, that none has ever played in an ensemble under a c...

Jul 1 1997
  The computer music tutorial
Roads C. (ed), Strawn J., Abbott C., Gordon J., Greenspun P., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996.  Type: Book (9780252181580)

With its publication of this encyclopedic work, MIT Press continues its role as the leading publisher of serious studies of the impact of technology on music composition and performance. The peripatetic Roads wrote most of this volume ...

May 1 1997
  Machine models of music
Schwanauer S., Levitt D., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992.  Type: Book (9780262193191)

Many of the 24 essays in this book appeared earlier in such publications as the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, The Computer Journal, Journal of Music Theory, IEEE Transactions on ...

Mar 1 1996
  Making noise
Leinecker R., M & T Books, New York, NY, 1994.  Type: Book (9781558513860)

While this book is primarily for people who have recently purchased the Sound Blaster card, or who plan to purchase it soon, a number of other sound cards are compatible with Sound Blaster, so it is of wider interest. People who have d...

Jan 1 1996
  The foundations of suitability of APL2 for music
Jordan S., Friis E. IBM Systems Journal 30(4): 513-526, 1991.  Type: Article

This journal issue contains a set of papers on APL collected for its 25th birthday. Rather than analyze them in the order in which they were printed, I have grouped them into four classes: general features of APL, implementation, appli...

Dec 1 1993
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