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  Browse All Reviews > Computing Methodologies (I) > Pattern Recognition (I.5) > General (I.5.0)  
  1-10 of 41 Reviews about "General (I.5.0)": Date Reviewed
  Ensemble learning: pattern classification using ensemble methods (2nd ed.)
Rokach L., World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, Hackensack, NJ, 2019. 302 pp.  Type: Book

Like other subtopics of machine learning, pattern classification aims to find regularities in data through the use of learning methods. A pattern comprehends a collection of features and a concept that represents the observations of ea...

Feb 6 2020
  Likelihood ratio estimation in forensic identification using similarity and rarity
Tang Y., Srihari S. Pattern Recognition 47(3): 945-958, 2014.  Type: Article

Estimating probabilities in forensics is a complex problem. There are several methodologies, all facing difficulties from the number of variables and our lack of knowledge of the distribution of some of the variables....

Jan 15 2015
  Ensemble clustering by means of clustering embedding in vector spaces
Franek L., Jiang X. Pattern Recognition 47(2): 833-842, 2014.  Type: Article

Ensemble clustering methods address a number of issues that arise when identifying clusters in data. The use of sets, ensembles, and clustering results generated by multiple parameterizations or different algorithms can improve robustn...

Apr 1 2014
  Local difference binary for ultrafast and distinctive feature description
Yang X., Cheng K. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 36(1): 188-194, 2014.  Type: Article

As required in many computer vision problems, local descriptor construction has been drawing research interest for decades, especially in situations where local image structures can be detected repeatedly, invariant to a range of image...

Jan 30 2014
  Application in target recognition based on gray system theory and mathematical morphology edge detection
Li H., Jia X., Liu Y., Tan H., Zheng N.  ICCSEE 2012 (Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, Hangzhou, China, Mar 23-25, 2012) 611-614, 2012.  Type: Proceedings

Target recognition (or more broadly, pattern recognition or template matching) has important military, industrial, and scientific applications, including target tracking, missile guidance, aircraft navigation, robotic vision, and digit...

Jul 26 2013
  3D human postures recognition using Kinect
Zheng X., Fu M., Yang Y., Lv N.  IHMSC 2012 (Proceedings of the 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics,Aug 26-27, 2012) 344-347, 2012.  Type: Proceedings

Microsoft Kinect is a low-cost range-sensing device that captures depth maps; its Windows software development kit (SDK) enables programmers to extract human postures (the various positions that the human body can assume) from such dep...

Jul 1 2013
  Globalized bipartite local model for drug-target interaction prediction
Mei J., Kwoh C., Yang P., Li X., Zheng J.  BIOKDD 2012 (Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, Beijing, China, Aug 12, 2012) 8-14, 2012.  Type: Proceedings

The identification of drug-target interactions is very useful for understanding drug effects. In recent years, researchers have designed many models and systems to predict drug-target interactions. Among those models, the bipartite loc...

Jan 23 2013
  BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign (BSEC 2009): evaluating online signature algorithms depending on the quality of signatures
Houmani N., Mayoue A., Garcia-Salicetti S., Dorizzi B., Khalil M., Moustafa M., Abbas H., Muramatsu D., Yanikoglu B., Kholmatov A., Martinez-Diaz M., Fierrez J., Ortega-Garcia J., Roure Alcobé J., Fabregas J., Faundez-Zanuy M., Pascual-Gaspar J., Cardeñoso-Payo V., Vivaracho-Pascual C. Pattern Recognition 45(3): 993-1003, 2012.  Type: Article

Evaluating online handwritten signature verification (HSV) systems is more challenging than evaluating most other biometrics systems, such as fingerprint systems. There can be significant variation in an individual’s signatur...

Jan 18 2013
  Multibiometrics for human identification
Bhanu B., Govindaraju V., Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2011. 408 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-521115-96-4)

Multibiometrics-based identification provides greater security and higher accuracy. Since 2006, there have been Annual Biometrics Workshops at the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. This collec...

Feb 1 2012
  Template matching using chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm
Duan H., Xu C., Liu S., Shao S. Pattern Recognition Letters 31(13): 1868-1875, 2010.  Type: Article

In this paper, the authors use the imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) in the image matching problem. They use a similarity measure, based on pixel-by-pixel cross correlation between a picture and a template (usually a smaller part...

Jan 5 2012
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