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Computational intelligence: a methodological introduction (3rd ed.)
Kruse R., Mostaghim S., Borgelt C., Braune C., Steinbrecher M., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2022. 653 pp. Type: Book (978-3-030422-26-4)
Ideas, more than inventions, change the world. Seen from this perspective, computational intelligence should be viewed, in my opinion, as a set of ideas that find applications in intelligent systems or devices that exhibit intelligent behaviour in...
Mar 7 2023
Deep learning based single sample face recognition: a survey
Liu F., Chen D., Wang F., Li Z., Xu F. Artificial Intelligence Review 1(1): 1-26, 2022. Type: Article
Deep learning (DL) methods, and in particular convolutional neural networks (CNNs), provide the most used and most effective face recognition systems. However, when “each identity has only a single sample available for training,” perfo...
Dec 27 2022
DARPA’s explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) program
Gunning D. IUI 2019 (Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Marina del Ray, California, Mar 17-20, 2019) ii-ii, 2019. Type: Proceedings
This very interesting survey talk provides extensive, high-level insight into the midterm progress of this advanced research endeavor....
Jul 21 2021
Walling up backdoors in intrusion detection systems
Bachl M., Hartl A., Fabini J., Zseby T. Big-DAMA 2019 (Proceedings of the 3rd ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Big DAta, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Data Communication Networks, Orlando, FL, Dec 9, 2019) 8-13, 2019. Type: Proceedings
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) detect anomalies in a network. However, backdoors instated for profit, political gain, and/or other reasons can be hard to detect and may introduce security vulnerabilities....
Feb 4 2021
Research on text location and recognition in natural images with deep learning
Zhang P., Shi Z., Gao H. ICAAI 2018 (Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 6-8, 2018) 1-6, 2018. Type: Proceedings
A technical account, this paper reports on experiments carried out with combinations of deep learning techniques. The purpose of the proposed research is to explore and evaluate methods for text location and recognition in images....
Jan 14 2021
Linked open knowledge organization systems: definition of a method for reducing the traversing
Chicaiza J., Tapia-Leon M., Piedra N., Lopez-Vargas J., Tovar-Caro E. APPIS 2019 (Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Jan 7-9, 2019) 1-6, 2019. Type: Proceedings
Knowledge organization systems (KOS) allow for establishing and accessing a common vocabulary and concepts in a domain. Linked data refers to a semantic web knowledge organization method that links concepts by relationships on the web ...
Jan 5 2021
On the robustness of domain-independent planning engines: the impact of poorly-engineered knowledge
Vallati M., Chrpa L. K-CAP 2019 (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, Marina Del Rey, CA, Nov 19-21, 2019) 197-204, 2019. Type: Proceedings
Planning engines are important not only to help us plan for what may fail or succeed in the real world, but also to provide what-if scenarios to build better robust engines. This paper talks about various ideas to help describe engines...
Dec 18 2020
Learning from human-robot interactions in modeled scenes
Murnane M., Breitmeyer M., Ferraro F., Matuszek C., Engel D. SIGGRAPH 2019 (ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Posters, Los Angeles, CA, Jul 28, 2019) 1-2, 2019. Type: Proceedings
Usually robots are checked and tested in virtual environments before delivering them to the real world. In this poster, however, the robot is only virtual, and users interacting with it are also rendered in virtual reality....
Sep 2 2020
The effects of mixing machine learning and human judgment
Vaccaro M., Waldo J. Communications of the ACM 62(11): 104-110, 2019. Type: Article
Automated risk assessment systems are often used in situations that require human judgment. One motivation for doing this is to remove human bias. Even when the automated system has been shown to be more accurate than human assessments...
Aug 7 2020
Discrete geodesic nets for modeling developable surfaces
Rabinovich M., Hoffmann T., Sorkine-Hornung O. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37(2): 1-17, 2018. Type: Article
Developable surfaces are those that can be flattened to the plane isometrically, that is, without stretching or tearing. They play an important role in manufacturing and architecture, for example, curved glass can be constructed by rol...
Feb 25 2020
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