
Reviews about "General (D.2.0)":
BCGen: a comment generation method for bytecode Huang Y., Huang J., Chen X., He K., Zhou X. Automated Software Engineering 30(1): 1-1, 2022. Type: Article
(Re)use of research results (is rampant) Baldassarre M., Ernst N., Hermann B., Menzies T., Yedida R. Communications of the ACM 66(2): 75-81, 2023. Type: Article
Software assistants in software engineering: a systematic mapping study Savary-Leblanc M., Burgueño L., Cabot J., Le Pallec X., Gerard S. Software--Practice & Experience 53856-892, 2023. Type: Article, Reviews: (2 of 2)
Establishing SRE foundations: a step-by-step guide to introducing site reliability engineering in software delivery organizations Ukis V., Pearson, Hoboken, NJ, 2023. 560 pp. Type: Book (0137424604)
Software assistants in software engineering: a systematic mapping study Savary-Leblanc M., Burgueño L., Cabot J., Le Pallec X., Gerard S. Software--Practice & Experience 53856-892, 2023. Type: Article, Reviews: (1 of 2)
Code that fits in your head : heuristics for software engineering Seeman M., Pearson, Hoboken, NJ, 2021. 406 pp. Type: Book (978-1-374644-01-4)
Code That Fits in Your Head: Heuristics for Software Engineering Seemann M., Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston, MA, 2021. 416 pp. Type: Book (978-0-137464-40-1)